Example sentences of "[conj] also because it [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 However , it retreated from this position , partly because it feared strong adverse reaction particularly from its political Right , and also because it had seriously underestimated the number of Arabs in Gaza , at 100,000–150,000 when it was nearer 280,000 .
2 It was also the first to be held since the redecoration of the Tuileries had restored the palace to its former splendour ; this it had lost not only because it had been ransacked by the mob in 1848 , but also because it had become shabby during the reign of Louis-Philippe .
3 The dismay was in part because of the anticipated economic consequences of this militancy , but also because it threatened the existing social order of late Victorian England .
4 Edward VI 's Bill of 1547 encountered a great deal of opposition throughout English society not only because it concerned the chantries but also because it struck at the system of confraternities on which much of medieval life was based .
5 Child labour recommended themselves to the early factory masters not only because it was cheap but also because it avoided dependence on adult labour whose traditional work habits were too deeply ingrained .
6 It is difficult for us to imagine now , but at the time this was a revolutionary book , not only because it put a new type of archaeological field monument , the deserted medieval village ( DMV ) , firmly on the map , but also because it heralded a new era in the study of rural settlements in this country .
7 Also in Scandinavia was an important study of the mass movement processes on the slopes of Kärkevagge ( Rapp , 1960 ) and this was important not only because it endeavoured to quantify all of the processes that affect a slope in a subarctic environment , but also because it established the relative significance of the different processes and concluded that the most effective agent of removal was running water removing material in solution .
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