Example sentences of "[conj] could [vb infin] [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Grammar schools already had adequate facilities or could build them from scratch .
2 Techs who were expert in the Machine Mysteries , autonomous-minded slaves , administrators , ship crews — all the host of support staff for the Marine chapter — slept in modestly comfortable dormitories … assuming that they needed , or could avail themselves of modest comfort during sleep-time .
3 These various substantives evoke a state or quality which disposes the support to perform an action ( willingness , desire , impudence , ability , etc. ) , an action he performs which prevents or could prevent him from realizing it ( hesitation , refusal , reluctance , etc. ) , something he needs in order to realize it ( right , permission ) , a circumstance in which he finds himself which favours something 's occurrence ( chance , occasion ) , etc. — all of which evoke a situation existing before the infinitive event , and so imply a reference to a prior position of the support .
4 Most of this Greg felt he could ignore : either he had read it , or could read it in more convenient circumstances .
5 Indeed it did , to anybody who remembered or could visual-ise it as a busy dock .
6 No other observer was so close to Wordsworth and Samuel Taylor Coleridge [ q.v. ] during their most productive years together at Alfoxden and Grasmere ; and no one else had such an eye for the landscapes which inspired them , or could provide them with living materials for poetry out of her own observations .
7 Not that any amount of designer labels would or could reconcile her to the prospect of meeting Antoinette again .
8 And so , resentfully , he learned concepts that could stand him in good stead .
9 Alternatively , the future may bring chemicals that could protect us from any gas , liquid or radiation , not to mention environments in which future generations may live that will separate them from any hazardous source .
10 ‘ I thought it was the sort of injury that could prevent him from fighting again .
11 Maybe you would have been safer if you 'd not chosen a career that could involve you with mine . ’
12 Some 35% of us weigh over 10% more than we should — for a woman of average height and build that could mean anything from 12lb to 3 or more stone .
13 I 'd be lucky ter get anybody that could match 'er in the kitchen .
14 And how was it to be achieved — was there agreement about it within the leadership and the wider society , and did a political agency exist that could bring it into being ?
15 Peter had grown afraid of emotion ; he considered it messy stuff that could lead one into a fatal labyrinth of self-forgetfulness .
16 Anything , anything would make death tolerable , she thought , anything that could admit something of the grand somewhere , and not this small cramped sitting room , this domestic duplicity , this pouring of cups of tea , these harshly unaltered faces .
17 As her first movie The Delinquents — aided by some pre-release hype over Australian clerics calling for sexy scenes between her and handsome co-star Charlie Shlatter to be cut — opened around the world at the end of 1989 , Kylie was planning a move that could set her on that same yellow brick road to showbusiness immortality .
18 It could n't have been hit by a missile because we know there are no missile-carrying planes around — even if there were , a heat-seeking missile , the only type that could nail it at that altitude , would have gone for the engines , not the nose cone .
19 They merely assumed that inhibition generates the incest taboo without pointing to any behavioural mechanism that could translate one into the other .
20 It 's an injury that could disable somebody for life .
21 Preston 's Auntie Ethel and William 's mother , Elaine , had been best friends at school , which was why Preston had been detailed as William 's Minder — another one of Auntie Ethel 's great ideas , like the newspaper that could defend you against muggers .
22 More expensive labour , the reasoning ran , would force the shutdown of sweat-shops , leaving only those businesses that could add plenty of value .
23 Battling Nottingham turned the table upside down with a priceless 18–9 win against Northampton that could keep them in division one and deny their visitors the championship .
24 ‘ Secret people , ’ she said , ‘ who do not seem to have any business that could take them into the forest . ’
25 The women 's style was severe and more remote , protected by their teachers ' armour — as if there was nothing more to their lives that could connect them with ours .
26 The eclipses of May 21 , June 4 and November 29 set in motion changes that could put you in a new professional space by 1994 , if not before .
27 Every half-minute or so , he peered over at the Loran navigation indicator — as if looking at it would make the numbers showing their position change more rapidly — then glanced up at the sky as if there was something to be divined in the matted darkness that could warn him of approaching doom .
28 It also means that the feral dogs are acquiring genetic material that could turn them into dangerous carnivores in grand style .
29 I wondered whether there was anything in the teaching of Tai-Fing that could get me through the next half an hour .
30 However , Mr Summerchild has persuaded me that taking part in a discussion of this nature might lie outside Mrs Padmore 's job description , and could involve us in difficulties with her union …
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