Example sentences of "[conj] see [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It prepared me better than anything I 'd read or seen for the crisp exterior and soft centre of the Big Apple .
2 The percentage propulsive rate ( 26.6% ) in the interposed colon is significantly lower than that seen in the normal oesophagus ( 80% ) , and more than double that seen in the left hemicolon in its normal location ( 10% ) .
3 He must have been about to take a shower , she realised , noticing a towel flung carelessly on to the bed , and seeing for the first time that his shirt was undone almost to the waist , revealing his broad , muscular chest with its lavish covering of silky golden hair .
4 Long I have lingered by the banks of the Ness , looking on the town clinging to and rising above its banks ; often have I gone to the castle hill to trace the windings of the stream , which was ever smiling back or reflecting the sadder tones of the sky , and to gaze on the distant land of mountain and plain ; and I have also spent many hours in rapt admiration of the sylvan pictures that render the walk through the islands on the Ness a walk of walks : it yielded a joy as deep as that I received from the walks on Goat Island , within hearing and seeing of the rapid-flowing waters of Niagara .
5 These latter creations will be recognisable to a London audience from ‘ Three Worlds ’ , the exhibition of Clemente 's works on paper which was organised by the Philadelphia Museum of Art and seen at the Royal Academy last summer .
6 The occupation of Denmark and Norway , carried through with unexpectedly low losses and seen as a major blow for Britain , was celebrated as a ‘ great success for the bold , determined policy of the Führer ’ , whose birthday in April 1940 saw propagandists struggling to find new superlatives to express the ‘ unshakeable loyalty ’ of his ‘ following ’ .
7 For example , an isolated regular polygon , such as a geometric square , meticulously ruled and cut from plane board , is not necessarily felt and seen as a true square .
8 It was imperative , in her view , that education meet the physical , intellectual , and moral needs of the child , that the child be respected and seen as the active agent in his own education .
9 The gem of the picture is Beinn Alligin directly opposite , and seen across the lovely environs of the loch : a perfect arrangement for the camera .
10 It never reaches the heights of drama , of aesthetic beauty , of religious experience that is felt and seen in the contemporary cathedrals and churches of France , Germany and England .
11 But they appeared to me as if seen through the wrong end of a telescope , muted and unreal .
12 Certain types of pulsating stars , known as Cepheids and R R Lyrae , have the same absolute brightness — which means they would be equally bright if seen from the same distance .
13 It was when I took my jacket off and stood before a mirror and saw for the first time that all I was was a pair of scarlet braces , that I realised that evangelism was n't enough .
14 I looked out and saw for the first time the main street of Koraloona 's largest town , Anani : a dusty white strip of road , a long row of assorted shops , a few cars .
15 And Nicholas looked , and saw for the last time the face of Katelina van Borselen , into which Abul Ismail read contentment .
16 The sun was high and bright as he dropped gently out of the hills towards the vale , faintly misted with vapour , and saw in the far distance before him the mole-hill of Ruthyn , hunched and veiled in the smoke of its house-fires , a delicate blue flower in the sparkling folded green , with the giant hogback of Moel Famau towering beyond .
17 He hoped , an instant before the impact , that the gambit of the fire was not going to spoil the gambit of the Normans , and saw from a distant glitter far on his right that it was not .
18 She halted , hesitated , flicked a glance at him and saw from the surprised look on his face that he was putting his own interpretation on why she was scurrying to her room .
19 And can Celtic raise their game in Europe and see off the bad old days ?
20 From Dr Jaffery 's rooftop you could look out , past the anonymous walls which face on to the Old Delhi lanes , and see into the shady courtyards and the gardens which form the real heart of the Old City .
21 He would come down for the weekend before and see to the final arrangements , of various things .
22 national account manager who 's specifically looks after and then go and see on a regular basis but call on them but invariably the accounts that those account managers deal with at erm will be split all round the country and will be controlled by our local sales executives in those areas
23 This time compare the hiss in the first sentence with what you feel and see in the second .
24 The cucullati were strange twilight creatures flitting about in the under-growth and the skirtings of a house , but seen as a potent element of the life-force with their phallic hoods and the garments usually worn by small children .
25 It is not just A Good Thing , but seen as an important part of the business .
26 The ambiguities in their identity were not resolved , but seen in a different perspective .
27 The CLAWS system also adopts ‘ backing off ’ formulae but seen from a different perspective — a bigram model is used except for special-case tag-triples which empirical results showed would be wrongly tagged .
28 The whole city centre and industrial areas , when seen as a vast cityscape from the air in the film 's opening shots , was ‘ Ridley 's Inferno ’ , and actually consisted of three tabletop models , each 6 x 13 feet ( 1.8 x 4m ) , placed side by side to give an area 18 feet ( 5.5m ) wide and 13 feet ( 4m ) deep .
29 This measurement may , therefore , be of clinical value in the assessment of a patient with impaired renal function when seen for the first time .
30 The descent into Dentdale from Newby Head is even more stimulating than the outward journey , new aspects of the valley being revealed when seen in the reverse direction , with wider and more distant landscapes coming into view .
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