Example sentences of "[conj] out [conj] [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Gary , who speaks Spanish , found that out when he played for Barcelona .
2 I found that out when I 'd pressed the bell and no one came .
3 ‘ Well , we wo n't find that out until you try , will we ?
4 You will find that out as you arrange the information or evidence to back it up .
5 Some of the questions may not be very important ; you find that out as you make the answers .
6 But I say I believe in in one respect alright , she 's got the car she can whip in and out but I do believe in another respect she 's got to the point where she ca n't be bothered !
7 , that was his nickname and er he went into the office and he told the Harbourmaster he said if you do n't employ back again he said I 'm off and out and he took me father back again .
8 Well if I want to turn something I 've got ta keep walking in and out and I do n't wan na do that .
9 She walks in and out and you do n't even bloody see her .
10 From what she 'd gleaned from Janine he came and went like a bloody ghost , flitting in and out as it suited him .
11 It will be ideal if you can park the car in such a way that the dog can move in and out as it wants , with the door left open , although clearly this will not be possible unless you have a driveway with a gate at the end .
12 You were n't sort of allowed just in and out when you wanted to , you had to get permission to stay out late .
13 The principal constraint on the number of their disagreements is , indeed , the comparative rarity of their encounters , Raymond invariably being asleep when Vic leaves for work and out when he returns home .
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