Example sentences of "[conj] who [vb past] [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The number of voters who cited social issues as their top priority ‘ or who claimed such issues were ‘ extremely important ’ to their voting decision , hardly varied at all throughout the campaign .
2 Frank Salter , the District Treasurer from 1918 , believed that financial appeals for new income in a sparsely populated region with a low wage economy and high unemployment , was an insuperable task and in 1931 he was succeeded by Lionel Elvin , Fellow of Trinity Hall , as the District 's honorary treasurer , and who brought much vigour and commitment to resolving the perennial financial problem .
3 And who took that decision ?
4 Of these the most important was Theodore Robinson , who did become a close friend of the painter , and who produced some paintings of the haystacks on which Monet was working at the time , which are almost indistinguishable from those of the master .
5 Some form of custody — whether in hospital or in prison is a moot point — is required to give peace of mind to the people who gave evidence and who displayed much courage and fortitude in so doing .
6 And who made this telephone call ? ’
7 And after these peoples , others had come : now and then , Davide passed , in a clearing in the grove , a stone hut , white and conical in shape , like the turbans of the Saracens who were overlords here long ago and who built these shelters for summer days when the heat in the grove swelled too burstingly to bear .
8 " Is n't that a bit selfish ? " chided a colleague whose opinion she respected , and who stood more chance than most of applying the brakes .
9 And who supplied these goods ? ’
10 Er and who did that presentation ?
11 But who made that telephone call ?
12 There were some who were initially repelled by the controversy which surrounded Paisley , but who overcame that revulsion and became committed supporters .
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