Example sentences of "[conj] who [adv] [verb] to " in BNC.

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1 The courses are designed for anyone in the voluntary sector who is unsure how the changes will affect them or who simply wants to be better informed .
2 ‘ Sometimes you come across patients you feel have been coached on what to say , or who just claim to be residents .
3 Dear Harsnet , he wrote , my son , who is a keen supporter of Brighton and Hove Albion Association Football Club ( The Seagulls ) , and who frequently goes to the sports centre of the University of Sussex to watch his team at their indoor training , was surprised the other day to see two figures distinctly older than the rest of the players .
4 I thought , ‘ Here is this man who just begs to be loved , and who just wants to be a handsome , gorgeous leading man , ’ but who really was not .
5 They met General Morandi , a soldier of fortune who had fought at Missolonghi , and who indignantly denied to them the calumny put about by the British aristocracy that Byron had deteriorated morally while in Greece : ‘ He was magnificent , ’ the General told them .
6 It was expected that Noriega 's appeal would question the legal basis for trying a foreign head of state taken into custody during a US military invasion and who now claimed to be a prisoner of war .
7 To Arnold the term philistine implied the idea of something stiff-necked and perverse in its resistance to light — ‘ and therein it specially suits our middle class , who not only do not pursue sweetness and light , but who even prefer to them that sort of machinery of business , chapels , tea-meetings and addresses from Mr Murphy , which makes up the dismal and illiberal life on which I have so often touched ’ .
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