Example sentences of "[conj] give her [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Lisa was in constant agony , but I could n't even comfort her or give her a cuddle because of the plaster . ’
2 He interrupted himself to explain , ‘ I did n't make any false promises or give her a lot of romantic fantasy to persuade her .
3 But she could n't remember anyone approaching her , or giving her the document .
4 Though sometimes , the gentlemen chucked her beneath the chin absently , or gave her a sixpence , and one , even , pushed her for a whole quarter-hour on the swing .
5 Because she was beautiful , with her flaxen blonde hair tumbling down her back and those unusual dark eyes and eyebrows that gave her a look of the exotic .
6 Hidden away , pushed to the darker recesses of her mind , it was a tangible presence that gave her a degree of comfort in the terrible loneliness of her marriage .
7 Inspection of Enid 's diary , however , showed that there was very little in her week that gave her a sense of achievement or pleasure .
8 Emyard 's influence on a young woman from Tours , Emilie Tamisier ( 1834–1910 ) , that gave her the inspiration to dedicate herself to the salvation of society through the Eucharist .
9 It was Hallowe'en coming up that gave her the idea they 'd had lessons at school about ghosts , witches and Hallowe'en .
10 As any girl knew , with any normal man , that gave her the ace .
11 Audrey Slaughter has led the sort of varied life that gives her the experience and understanding for dealing with SHE readers ' personal problems .
12 He had taken her off the streets and given her a home because he was besotted with her ; the home that Sarah 's mother had kept clean and cheerful even when her health was failing .
13 Now she saved her animus largely for the council , which seemed unfair , since it had permitted her to buy for almost nothing the house which her mother had rented and given her a grant for improvements .
14 She was settled for the night ; Clare had put her to bed and given her a mug of warm milk and two sleeping tablets .
15 The bumpiness had churned her stomach and given her a headache , but she kept her complaints to herself .
16 ‘ I think it was a threatened abortion , so I 've sent a sample for pregnancy test , and given her a shot of analgesic . ’
17 He had encouraged and praised her , bullied her a little when she needed bullying , and given her the love and support that had made her feel , even in the darkest moments of self-doubt , that she could rise above all the problems and emerge triumphant .
18 Porter , one of the country 's most respected authorities on paediatrics , had taken a shy Puerto Rican intern called Carmen Rodriguez under his wing twenty years ago and given her the confidence to start up her own practice soon after graduating from medical school , and she was now one of New York 's most popular and in demand paediatricians .
19 Rosalba baked special almond biscuits , hoops of crumbly nuts and fine sugar , intending to wrap some in coloured papers and offer them to Tommaso 's mother as a gift for the feast ; but could not , because , as she was about to set off , she realised that she did not know her well enough to call and give her a present .
20 " On condition that you take the Gristy girl in and give her a home . "
21 Jackie was asked if she would take a Thoroughbred mare who had been abandoned in a field and give her a home as a brood mare — but part of the deal was that she also took the pony who had been left with her .
22 Go on up and give her a shake . ’
23 ‘ Now , pop your trews off and give her a cuddle ; and make sure she 's out of here soon , I do n't want her mooning about in the morning . ’
24 I tiptoe over to her bed and give her a nudge .
25 Hop on over to the end of the road and give her a tinkle .
26 She 's looking through this rack of suits so I go and give her a hand .
27 Go and give her a kiss .
28 then mum said are n't you gon na say hello to mummy and give her a kiss , so she went ugh , and every time we asked her anything she kept going what have you lost ?
29 I get this real strong urge to stand behind her and put my arms round her and give her a hug , but I do n't move .
30 I jump to my feet and give her a hug , and she pats my back .
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