Example sentences of "[conj] give [pron] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ The best defence for our colonies , as well as for our coasts , ’ he had argued the previous year , ‘ is to have a squadron always to the westward … [ which ] may in all probability either keep the French in port , or give them battle with advantage if they come out . ’
2 You could hardly expect him to be ready to defend it , or give his life for it .
3 He declined to explain why or to give his name on the telephone .
4 There may also be inheritance tax implications , so if you are thinking of leaving or giving your home to someone , you are strongly advised to consult a solicitor or accountant .
5 11 Do n't allow yourself to be dominated by the student who always knows , or thinks he knows , the answer or who is always asking you questions or giving his opinion on the state of the world .
6 Wise Speke analyst John Dean , says : ‘ Whessoe and Varec have been known to one another for some considerable time although given their emphasis on different geographical markets they have rarely found themselves in direct competition . ’
7 She felt a moment of sorrow for the Jan Mayen 's crew : Dutchmen who had brought their little ship to Portsmouth when Holland was overrun by the Nazi armies , choosing to leave their country and fight on with the British Navy rather than give their ship into enemy hands .
8 In the meditative life , we exchange the worldly things that give us delight for the full commitment of loving God above all .
9 This area is the Coulin Forest , bounded by roads that give it detachment from other high ground , its mountains forming a compact group but individually having distinction of character and outline , some being of arresting appearance .
10 Some of the smokers were aware of his campaign against passive smoking — the kind that gave him cancer in smoke-tarred clubs .
11 This is the daddy of all geysirs , the one that gave its name to the ( now better-known ) hot-water spouts elsewhere in the world .
12 It 's something that gives his performance in Glory a genuinely affecting complexity , something which suggests he may develop into an actor with some depth .
13 ‘ We have now allocated five new frequencies to BR and given them access to two others . ’
14 But not all : for black sportsmen have staked a presence in Britain , albeit a small presence , since 1777 when Bill Richmond was uprooted and given his freedom in recognition of his sporting achievements ( at this time , Walvin , 1971 , p.12 , estimates there were 15,000 blacks in London ) .
15 ‘ The person shown on television having an exchange of words with David Campese has come forward and given his account of the incident .
16 Mr Gamage declined the offer , and given his proximity to the matter , his is perhaps the most adequately balanced appraisal of ‘ Those Pistol Cases ’ that can be reached .
17 When we arrived half an hour later , all the canoes were unloaded from the trailer and we were all kitted-out with a helmet and life-jacket and given our canoe for the day .
18 Given our commitments to the programmes that we 've set forward and given our commitment to the council tax payer , remember that person again not mentioned today
19 Reading a letter in WOMAN about the definition of happiness , I decided to write and give my idea of what it is .
20 I tried to help him with his schedule and give him advice on exam technique .
21 A female was believed to come back after a night 's hunt and give her milk to whichever baby grabbed her teat first .
22 To give a better understanding of how Schmincke 's Soft Pastels perform , we asked Jackie to outline her working methods and give her judgement on the Schmincke range : ‘ Working with pastels is , for me , a constant joy : I am hooked !
23 This will introduce the student to the speciality of the ward , and give her time for preparation .
24 This was a moving platform which carried trams sideways and give them access to the rows of workshops which were built alongside .
25 At 3.40 a.m. on Saturday 9th September , David Park joined the trapped men and his presence did much to restore their morale and give them confidence for what was required of them .
26 Unless there is a real threat to personal safety , all those who deal directly with the public should wear a name badge and give their name on the telephone and in letters .
27 Over one point two million houses bought by Council tenants of their own free will , so much so , my Lord Mayor , that some Labour politicians have had no choice but to do a U turn and give their support to the Right to Buy .
28 If a witness is reluctant to come to court you need to consider whether their enforced presence will be counterproductive , but most witnesses will accept the situation in the end and give their evidence in good faith .
29 Fifteen years later another official described the way an experienced litigant tutored witnesses : ‘ He examines , cross-examines , corrects , and directs those in their parts who are to appear in the real court and give their testimony regarding what they know , or are to pretend to know , on the day of the trial ’ .
30 Constrained resources will inevitably act as a brake on research and new developments , but there are other factors which work against this , and give us reason to be encouraged .
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