Example sentences of "[conj] now [verb] [prep] be " in BNC.

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1 The priority for Leeds at the start of the season was a place in Europe and despite leading the table for much of the season that now looks to be their only target — although it is far from guaranteed .
2 Since then international agencies such as ICRISAT and IITA have been undertaking further research on the more fundamental adaptations that now appear to be required ( Hudson 1981 ) .
3 and we , we would ask of that , but the next point and erm , is this my Lord erm at the moment erm the negotiations are erm proceeding in relation to the house , about which we have heard evidence , er , we could not properly buy it until it had been investigated by the court of protection and there was approval of that , and er it will be necessary for er consideration to be given as to how it should be purchased , in practical terms , firstly your Lordship has erm awarded a figure of seventy one thousand pounds , then there is the eighty thousand pounds on the existing house which takes one up to a hundred and fifty or thereabouts , and one sees that the special damages and interest thereon comes to something over fifty two thousand pounds to which these er parents will be entitled in the normal way , and if they were to apply , they might do and apply , that would go a long way to purchasing it and the court of protection , if it approved that might take the view that it would be fair to take something out of the notional aspect of damages for loss of earnings , because after all the plaintiff would have spent his earnings for housing and so on in the future , that , that is the sort of problems that now have to be tackled er what , what we would respect and suggest is er simply that there is liberty to apply erm .
4 He was wearing the leather shoes that had been only for best until they grew too small for his feet and now had to be worn for school .
5 Chief environmental health officer Hugh O'Neill said firemen who had gone to put out fires on the site had been attacked by missile throwers , and now had to be accompanied by police .
6 He 'd taken her out to dinner that very night , and now seemed to be practically haunting the place , and obviously very much in love with her friend .
7 Since the work of S. S. Stevens in the 1930s and later , it has been recognized that , although the Weber-Fechner Law holds for many sorts of sensory experience , the exponent varies widely ; nevertheless , the principle of a quantitative correlation between external stimulus , neural activity and experienced sensation remains intact and now appears to be well-established .
8 Her thoughts were twirling around and , however much she told herself that all that astrology stuff was nonsense , she could not prevent the doubts that had taken root and now refused to be urged away .
9 All the postings you have made of the above list are P&L transactions and now need to be transferred to the P&L account .
10 ‘ Poorboy ! 'said Charlotte , suddenly outraged by the weariness and exasperation of this ineffectual little man , worn out by a job he had probably chosen as the most profitable within his scope , and now found to be extending him far beyond the end of his tether .
11 That has been re re reviewed through the year , and the process somewhat simplified , and now seems to be working well .
12 She thought that perhaps her manner was somewhat too bold for one who so recently had been only a governess , and now wanted to be even less .
13 In the later Republic and early Empire Greek artists were brought to Rome to design buildings appropriate for the display of booty , to repair old sculptures and make new ones for these and other structures , and to restore decaying old temples , once venerated for their wooden and terracotta statues , but now seen to be in need of renovation .
14 Just before it joins the urethra , the vas sprouts a small sac , the seminal vesicle , once thought to be a store for spermatozoa but now believed to be simply another gland which adds its secretion to the ejaculate .
15 Once thought to commemorate a Viking encounter , but now believed to be a Class III Pictish monument , centuries older , Sueno 's Stone has panels and friezes of headless corpses , horsemen , battles or skulls .
16 At this time I remember too the widely reported story I had once thought apocryphal but now know to be in Dr. Ronald Glasser 's The Body is the Hero .
17 The possibility had been raised before , but now appeared to be confirmed by documents released during a court case between the federal government and Occidental Chemical Corporation , which is accused of responsibility for the contamination as a result of its purchase of the company involved , Hooker Chemical and Plastics .
18 VBS used to give Output Manager away with their somewhat quirky VB No5 program but now seem to be spending more time developing the Output Manager rather than No5 !
19 It has to be admitted that the railway has passed through a period of financial difficulty but now appears to be settled and operating a successful service of trains .
20 An ODA official claimed that the department was unaware that the project was " as environmentally sensitive as now seems to be the case " .
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