Example sentences of "[conj] more [adj] to be " in BNC.

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1 According to Walter Map this was his mother 's teaching : he should keep aspirants waiting in hope , she said , deliberately spinning out their affairs , for an unruly hawk , if meat is held out to it and then snatched away or hid , will become keener and more inclined to be attentive and obedient .
2 Not all video machines have this property but it is becoming more and more common to be able to see the picture as you run forward or back on the tape or disc .
3 Firstly , their income is less likely than the rest of the population to come from earnings from employment ; and more likely to be derived from pensions from the state or from past employers or from savings .
4 And perhaps the greatest value of the video has been to reduce the time the average family spends watching the effluvia of television served up on the two main British television channels whose only role in the future looks more and more likely to be news and sports .
5 A causal interpretation of the bivariate effect would have been entirely faulty : it was purely a product of women being both more likely to be in low status jobs and more likely to be absent .
6 Actual attacks on humans are rare so far and more likely to be the work of strays than of truly feral animals .
7 We can add to our knowledge of the European from 1880 onwards the fact that he is more and more likely to be a city-dweller , and to live in an industrial city .
8 Properties are older and more likely to be terraced houses or flats ; they have fewer rooms but more people per room ; and they are less likely to have a garden .
9 As expected , they are also less likely to own or to be buying their house , less likely to be living in council accommodation and more likely to be renting furnished accommodation .
10 While we might indeed readily hypothesize that these individuals were generally less likely than Ballymacarrett people to be subject to the pressures of their personal networks and more likely to be subject to a less localized outside influence , it is hard to suggest dimensions on which a number of looseknit networks , which differed greatly from each other , might be systematically compared ( but see 5.7.4 for an account of Bortoni-Ricardo 's study of rural immigrants to a Brazilian city ) .
11 In addition to fronted , predicated , and identifying themes , other types of marked theme exist in English , but they tend to be much more restricted and more likely to be used in informal language .
12 Hence black youth is subject to closer surveillance and control by the police , a form of policing more likely to generate further offences and more likely to be diverted to the juvenile bureau .
13 Sentencing policies , as a result of law and order campaigns mean the prisoners are younger and more likely to be black .
14 Moreover , in the light of the Committee 's comment that consensual oral sex is extremely serious and more likely to be disturbing to a young girl than sexual intercourse , it would seem to follow that non-consensual oral sex is extremely serious and more likely to be disturbing than rape .
15 Moreover , in the light of the Committee 's comment that consensual oral sex is extremely serious and more likely to be disturbing to a young girl than sexual intercourse , it would seem to follow that non-consensual oral sex is extremely serious and more likely to be disturbing than rape .
16 Students who had studied IT at a polytechnic were rather less likely to be In employment or to be continuing their studies than their university peers , and more likely to be looking for employment ( Table 4.2 ) .
17 A study , also in the BNJ , says old people are less mobile , less able to wash , dress and feed themselves and more likely to be incontinent than they were in 1979 .
18 However , schema-consistent information is assumed to be more easy to integrate into existing memory structures and more likely to be subsequently recalled since active schema guide and cue the retrieval process ( Brewer & Treyens , 1981 ) .
19 The net effect was that while Labour 's electoral support did not collapse , it became less deeply rooted , and more liable to be swayed by conjunctural influences .
20 The fact that women were less likely to go absent but more likely to be in unfavourable jobs meant that we were misled about the effect of low status jobs on absence before we controlled for sex .
21 Beneath lies a core of ancient salty water with a concentration of 140 ppt and a temperature of 25°C ; the origin of this warmth is uncertain , but more likely to be solar than geothermal .
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