Example sentences of "[conj] then she [vb mod] [be] " in BNC.

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1 They 'll be at Leith in a matter of days and then she 'll be gone . ’
2 I know I can make her understand , and then she 'll be able to help me .
3 We wo n't be disturbed for an hour and a half at least — Kate 's out , and then she 'll be seeing to the meal .
4 I 'll send for some brandy and then she 'll be her old self again .
5 She 'll need me some day and then she 'll be quick enough to write to her mother .
6 In answer to Tamar 's claims that she had no clothes suitable for a visit to the capital , Stephen persuaded her to wait until they arrived and then she would be able to buy something .
7 One more basket to go , and then she would be done .
8 Later the wolf would be cut open while she was asleep , filled up with heavy stones once the little pigs had scrabbled out of her , stitched up again by the woodcutter ; and then she would be driven by thirst to the river , would topple in and drown with the weight of the stones .
9 He would have to stop some time , and then she would be able to escape .
10 And then she would be advising .
11 and then she used be spotless at one time !
12 Luch would be set to turn the quern to grind the oatmeal , and then she 'd be sent to fetch hay , peats , water .
13 It might get into the papers , and then she 'd be down here knocking on my door and screaming blue murder .
14 Eventually , probably sooner rather than later , he 'd grow tired of waiting for Shannon , and then she 'd be left with nothing , in any case .
15 But she could find a job and a furnished flat , and then she 'd be free , free to give herself to Nicolo as his lover …
16 Yeah , cos then she might be more likely to say yeah .
17 But , you know , you ca n't , you might say well this teacher does n't have such good displays on her wall , but then she might be ever so good at another area , I mean is not a display lady , she does n't have artistic creative sort of flair like say Polly did
18 And she was almost looking forward to death , because then she would be with William and our dear mother in a place of peace .
19 It would probably please him if she went to prison , because then she would be out of his hair , and he would be free to amuse himself to his heart 's content with his pretty , blue-eyed doll .
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