Example sentences of "[conj] then [pers pn] begin [verb] " in BNC.

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1 She clutched the door handle for support as he manoeuvred past a bus , and then they began to leave behind the slowly rising concrete buildings and the dust and reached the worn hills beyond .
2 She kept up her swaying motion , her mouth in a silly grin , until there was silence ; and then she began to sing .
3 and then she began to open up did n't she ?
4 Yet the more she sipped the more sick she felt ; and then she began to have a cramp in her stomach .
5 She lay still , quaking a little to start with , at the thought of him sitting down there , angrily riddling the fire as if he were punishing it because his sister had left him , and then she began to feel angry herself .
6 It made her feel that he did n't mind everyone knowing she was his girlfriend , and he was really sweet to her in bed , told her she had lovely hair and said she must never , ever cut it , it was so beautiful , and then he began to talk about Therese , saying how cruel it was that he had carried the company all these years and now , just because she was the Direktor 's favourite — he snorted at this point and said he really did believe Therese must have been old Franz 's mistress years ago in Vienna — he was being treated like a pariah , no consideration , everyone being rude and unkind to him , Therese allowed to do just what she liked on the stage even though she 'd been no-one before she came to Hochhauser .
7 The pain receded in the warmth of his caresses , and then he began to move and she found herself given over wholly to sensation .
8 As he got on , and less nervous , the words came easily ; and then he began to dislike being restricted by a written text and to prefer headings .
9 And then he began to think , why not do it , why not ?
10 He said something aloud — something about a devil , I thought — and then he began striding away as if his life depended on it .
11 For a moment Basil looked angry , and then he began to laugh .
12 And then he began to laugh and scream like a man who was mad
13 The haughty face was still for a second more and then he began to laugh softly , warm , dark laughter that took her completely by surprise .
14 I think he began to resent marriage first and then he began to resent me . ’
15 But the worst happens and you reel from it , you stagger , the shock is enormous , and then you begin to recover .
16 If you let them lead you where they want to go , they lead back to this latent content and then you begin to recognize er the latent thoughts .
17 I looked up again to see that she was still asleep and then I began leafing through the pages , curious to see whose names were entered there .
18 And I gets this one out and I 'm reading through it and I looks at the name John , and then I began to take an interest in it and , here I discovered that my grandfather and my great grandfather that 's like my grandfather and my grandmother 's father
19 And then I began to ask myself the questions all over again .
20 And then I began to notice that the pictures on the walls were all prints of cavalry regiments , and a hatstand in a corner was n't really a hatstand but another empty shell case with a clutch of regimental flags standing in it .
21 And then I began to become very worried about it and it just happened by chance that one Friday morning I heard a programme on Radio Brighton , and it was Doctor Wisbey speaking about dyslexia , and it dawned on me immediately that my son was dyslexia .
22 It was poised there , a rosy ball , and then it began to dip below the rim of the land .
23 And then it began to get a bit darker .
24 The pain began , slowly at first , then , as though the knife-blade had been turned back to her heart by his subtle withdrawal from her , it began to enter her heart ; and then it began to revolve .
25 A few places further down the dale had got it at once , and then it began to advance further up towards us .
26 It was alright for a few weeks and then it began to look very anaemic and sorry for itself .
27 The cat looked up , and then it began to work its way upwards , its eyes fixed on its intended prey .
28 But then they began to climb up a narrow , spiral staircase , and she saw no more .
29 At first we thought he wanted friends of his own kind , but then we began to understand that there was a different reason .
30 In the first one , he is content at the beginning , but then we begin to see , at the end of this part , that he is dissatisfied with his status , his loneliness and is cared by the criminal ‘ underworld ’ .
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