Example sentences of "[conj] then [verb] [pron] to " in BNC.

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1 Bending , he took it in his and then raised it to his lips .
2 Dermot looked round briefly at Patsy and Ellie and then said something to his two brothers which made all three of them laugh .
3 The simplest solution would be to raise grants to a civilised level and then to peg them to the movement of wages or prices , but this was not among the options considered by the government when it began to look at student funding .
4 As they walked back to the car , he took her hand again and then lifted it to his lips .
5 ‘ Right , we 'll get you a hot drink — laced with something alcoholic , I think , and then get you to bed . ’
6 Towsie ( nickname for one of the foreign miners ) came and sat down beside me while the smoke cleared a bit , and then took me to the trench , which was full of red embers , roasting the rock as when you roast eggs in the ashes .
7 And she says her day with Becky and the team was a revelation : ‘ The Granada Reports people came to my house to film me in some of my own clothes and then took me to the Hillcrest Hotel in Widnes where I had my hair styled and my make-up done , and then tried on lots of different outfits .
8 Born in 1948 , his career in the Soprintendenze began in Genoa and then took him to Rome where he was Director of the Galleria Nazionale d'Arte Antica in Palazzo Barberini for three years .
9 I was the only one who could be charged with dereliction of duty , I Judged who I thought was the best : I selected them and then took them to my station — Warboys — where they were trained as Pathfinders .
10 Sitting on the next barstool was an antiques dealer called James ; he discussed his feelings with Clare for the next two hours and then took her to dinner at the Ox on the Roof , where she chose the most filling dishes .
11 She went upstairs to change after luncheon and then took herself to the chair by her bedroom hearth , and said she should want nothing further , all afternoon .
12 The patient might tell you what if , if the casualty was still able to talk , they might be able to give you the history of how they became like they were , received a blow , got kicked , fell onto something hard , okay and so on and so on , they might be able to tell you themselves , give some indication , right , you would remove and loosen off all tight clothing , okay , loosen off the clothing for them and then treat them for shock and then refer them to urgent medical attention , nil by mouth on any account , okay ?
13 And she could n't have it put out that a servant girl had defied her and then abused her to her face , now could she ?
14 She had the walls repapered , new carpets and furniture bought for every room and then sub-let it to her favourite Girls .
15 The imperial presence was manifest : those who attended had the advantage of travelling on the imperial transport system ; the structure of the Council mirrored that of senatorial procedure , the 318 fathers ( a traditional number — actual attendance was more likely to have been about 250 ) gathered in a hall of the imperial palace ; Constantine spoke asking them to restore concord , and then left them to themselves .
16 It is good because Léon Bonn at , a loyal son of Bayonne , first collected these pictures and then left them to the town , which responded by building a small palace in which to show them .
17 On private land , the State made the pomeshchik responsible for the collection of taxes from his serfs and then left him to his own devices .
18 That God created the world and then left it to a forsaken humanity , trying to address Him in an echoless void — this idea is n't new .
19 Halvard , I compressed one of the files ok and then mailed it to myself first to see if I was getting everything right .
20 ‘ The American way of doing things is to have an idea and then persuade someone to back it .
21 My research , if I can call it that , has involved ( over the same period ) a cyclical process of listening to teachers , tidying up what I think I 've heard into some more-or-less coherent story , and then telling it to other teachers to see if it makes sense to them , and captures in an interesting , plausible and fruitful way something significant of their experience .
22 In the UK , however , there is every encouragement to agriculturally improve land and then stock it to the maximum , and for farmers to acquire more land and increase the size of their units because no upper limit exists for HLCA payments per farm unit ( subject to not reaching the maximum stocking density overall ) .
23 OS/400 : an attendant locks you into the car and then drives you to the store , where you get to watch everyone else buy fillet mignons .
24 This will enable users to develop neural applications on their personal computers under Windows , and then download them to the NT5000 system , a stand-alone box that collects data from real world analogue and digital devices like microphones , cameras and other industrial sensors .
25 In other words , they created a self-image and then sold it to the greater powers of western Europe ; and whatever their reaction , be it incredulous , admiring or contemptuous , these powers now found it impossible to ignore the Scots ' insistent demands that they should be noticed .
26 What I want to do is concentrate on the modern sex theory and then er explain that and then relate it to Freud .
27 With pants , as with many clothes , she has to know the difference between things that are nearly the same — like large waist holes and smaller leg holes — and then match them to her body .
28 In addition , Piaget ( 1926 ) carried out an observational study of children 's spontaneous speech , and a study in which children had to listen to a spoken explanation and then relay it to another person .
29 A senior clerk should clear the machines and then reset them to zero at various times during the day .
30 Even decaffeinated coffee may stimulate acid production by the stomach and then predispose you to indigestion , heartburn and peptic ulcers .
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