Example sentences of "[conj] go [adv prt] through the " in BNC.

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1 All that water that goes th that goes down through the machines is all sent back to top
2 Erm imaginary line that goes down through the middle of a ball , yes , through there Jupiter .
3 The rabbit that goes back through the gap will run his head into trouble .
4 He puts it against a house and go up through the window .
5 Er these are sort of parties that start at midnightish and go on through the night .
6 Push the crate left to hit the switch , go down , collect the star and fly up , left and then down , go left , collect the star , fly straight right , then fly up , land on one of the platforms on the side of the wall , jump up and go right on the chair-lifts , go down , right through the wall , climb up the blocks , push the crate down two platforms and go back through the wall , go left , down , right and jump onto the boat , go right , up and left into the tent to complete the game .
7 Both looked well pleased after hours of hard drinking and glowered at their sober master 's harsh strictures to leave their ale and go back through the pouring rain to King 's Steps and another unpleasant journey along the Thames .
8 He waited another second , then shrugged his shoulders and went in through the double doors .
9 The first time she rang the bell and went in through the front doors of the elegant old house where the showrooms were situated ( Mattli had no rear entrance ) Paula felt she was stepping into the place of her dreams .
10 ‘ I ai n't bloody having that every time you two buggers get together mind , ’ he said , and went back through the bar flap .
11 ‘ But tonight , when I hit the snake on the rope , it was angry and went back through the air-vent .
12 The water was thick and brown and went down through the top end of Spaladale at a fearful rate .
13 Lucy 's use for the place now over , she cut down by the stage and went out through the main part of the club .
14 He bumped into some people waiting to join the queue for the seats in the reception area ( ha ; he 'd got in just before the rush ! ) , and went out through the doors back to the street and the bright sunlight .
15 She gave no reply but went on through the store-room , whose walls were lined with shelves , some holding bottles of sweets , others boxes of all sizes , then through another door and into a corridor , from which , six feet to the right of her , a door led into the store-room of the tobacconist shop .
16 He had long ago noticed that if you stared at a customs officer when going out through the green channel , the customs officer stopped you .
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