Example sentences of "[conj] there was [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Thus in the flysch of the Polish Carpathians ( plate 4.1 ) , it has been estimated that there was on the average one turbidity current flow every 29 000 years .
2 Almost a month went by before she allowed herself an evening to realise that there was at the very least and latest , an unfinished conversation between them .
3 The original study , carried out by the late Professor Martin Gardner of Southampton University , found that there was between a fivefold and eightfold risk of cancer in children if their fathers had been exposed to significant levels of radiation .
4 The present writer , who was not connected with the survey , estimated that there was about a 15 per cent non-Roman catholic element on the estate at the time .
5 G. R. Hibbard argued in 1956 that there was in the seventeenth century a tradition of country house poems written by Jonson , Herrick , Carew , and Marvell .
6 For some the holding of one of these posts was just one stage in their careers , for others a succession of such posts appears to have become a career in itself , though one must be careful to emphasize that there is not enough evidence to suggest that there was in the case of the muderris/muftis anything like as clearly defined a career structure as in the case of the muderrises and the kadis , that there was , in effect , a comparable to the and the .
7 The 1901 President of the National Free Church Council was only pointing to the obvious when he told his audience that there was throughout the country and Empire ‘ an irresistible movement towards co-operation , combination , collectivism , solidarity , centralisation …
8 There was more at the weekends than there was through the middle of the week .
9 There is no more danger of a stand-up comedian entering the House of Lords ( some may argue that there are already plenty there ) than there was of the British Airways boss ( Lord ) John King being fobbed off with a mere MBE .
10 First , as a result of the negotiations by my right hon. Friend the Chancellor , there is considerably more flexibility now than there was with the 3 per cent .
11 When I saw the potential ability of so many of my opponents and how young so many of them were , I realised that I would have to devote more time to practice than there was in a day just to become a moderate professional .
12 There 's a much greater sense here of tolerating plurality and diversity than there was in the English departments , although obviously there is conflict amongst staff about the extent to which such plurality can be tolerated .
13 than there was in the first place .
14 But when , after those two years , the valley had almost imperceptibly widened and there was for the first time , not those black enclosing cliffs , but the vista of a normal life , even of happiness , a landscape over which it was possible to believe the sun might shine , she had become unwittingly embroiled in the racial politics of her school .
15 then I went , I went into town a bit later on , come down Manstral Road and there was like a load of traffic there and I got to where the traffic lights are just before you get to the big turning at Manstral Road
16 And there was like a massive convoy of people behind him .
17 my Lord I , I suppose the answer to that is yes , it could be on the facts , it could be that if there was in a free market then they 'd be all sorts of varieties of clause whereby the name and kept the agent funds , erm maybe
18 Erm They dropped the final consonant in a co If there was like a consonant cluster at the end of the wor word .
19 The occupation forces in the territory of defeated enemies might be seen as temporary inconveniences , but there was at the same time a natural tendency to acquire overseas bases from which to extend the reach of America 's armed forces .
20 but there was in the coal , well they looked a bit heavy on the wall
21 Only a return to US price stability would allow a once-and-for-all rise in the gold price to work , and there was nothing in the act of raising the price of gold which would make that more likely ( indeed , the improved gold backing for the dollar would relax such pressure as there was on the US government to maintain price stability in order to defend the dollar ) .
22 There was as much in the loft as there was on the whole first floor .
23 Sometimes , for those who do n't quail , there is a happy finale — as there was for the hunchback of Belorussia ( or was it Kovno Gubernia , or the far side of the Pale ? ) whose demon companions danced his hump off , and sent him home with his shoulders straight and strong .
24 The DoT said there was as much traffic in three days in the Dover Strait as there was in a year in the Fair Isle Straits , where the Braer came to grief .
25 One reason could be because all around them are utterly characterless , uniform , boring , and unmemorable buildings — nothing for them to stand and stare at , to wonder at and dream of — as there was in the heyday of the great stations .
26 There was a great variety in the six plays performed , as there was in the medieval plays ; some were pious and some funny , some incorporated music and dancing .
27 Well if there is water in the gutter , as there was in the Strand , you can create a remarkably similar effect with a fast sports car .
28 There is a world recession today as there was in the 1930s .
29 Such socio-political criticism as there was in the music of P. I. Tchaikovsky ( 1840–93 ) , the paintings of I. Repin ( 1844–1930 ) , and the drama of A. P. Chekhov ( 1860–1904 ) was expressed with great subtlety .
30 There is no provision in the rules as there was in the 1952 Rules for searches for prior petitions in county courts to see if the debt has been paid , but the Practice Direction refers to carrying out these searches and the certificates to be endorsed on the petition of their result .
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