Example sentences of "[conj] there [be] just the " in BNC.

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1 Doyle realised that there was just the hint of a smell of animal about the man .
2 The means may be likened to a seed , the end to a tree ; and there is just the same inviolable connexion between the means and the end as there is between the seed and the tree …
3 ‘ Mam had asked him to look after us and there were just the three children in the house .
4 No , they ran across the top of the water and hammered desperately at the air with their wings and then , just when it was obvious they were n't going to achieve anything , they suddenly did ; the water dropped away and there was just the slow creak of wings pulling the goose up into the sky .
5 At the extreme , nuclear power poses the risk that if the reaction inside the core should get out of control , or even if there was just the failure of a vital pipe or valve , even larger quantities of radiation would enter the human environment .
6 It would be a pretty terrible place , this boarding section , if there was just the headmaster and his wife . ’
7 Some have done better than others , but there 's just the physical reality of how long it takes the lower two strings to speak — it 's going to take a few milliseconds for that to happen .
8 If it had been later in the season , and the roses in full bloom , he might have missed the portal altogether , but there was just the one unopened bud on the bare branches , of a delicate peach shade with hints of rose which made him think of a girl 's skin .
9 You ca n't have family snaps when there 's just the two of you and a cat .
10 It 's always a little tense when there 's just the four of us .
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