Example sentences of "[conj] she [be] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 Miss Rogers , twice Irish girls champion , got her nose in front at the eighth but was forced to concede the tenth where her second overshot the green into very thick rough and the twelfth where she was in a greenside bunker .
2 It is with the subject in mind that Minton restates his belief that unless a painter paints with love , he or she is like a blacksmith hammering away with appropriate tools but no fire .
3 To provide an illustration , a child who gets into trouble is much more likely to come before a court if he or she is from a poor home and has parents who do not get on with the welfare authorities or the police , than if his or her family is prosperous , respectable and willing to co-operate with the police and social services .
4 Anyone who has been alongside a ship when he or she is in a small boat knows the way she towers over you at a dockside .
5 Downlights should be , if possible , fitted with some sort of anti-glare device or any unfortunate standing underneath could feel that he or she is in an interrogation chamber .
6 Furthermore , while these " blankouts " may distress other people , the primary sufferer may find them confusing but may go so far in denial as to accuse other people of having faulty memory for the things said or done while he or she was in a " blankout " .
7 When arriving at the foreign post , will he or she be in a less senior capacity than in the home country because of unfamiliarity with local customs and methods of working ?
8 She turned to the pope ; and although she was in a less strong bargaining position than James V , now that there was no Protestant threat from England , she was given a certain amount of clerical taxation in 1556 and 1557 .
9 ‘ Six million if you do n't mind , ’ was Christy Turlington 's reply to designer Valentino 's suggestion that she was worth a million dollars .
10 Through the glass she saw that she was on a shelf in the potion laboratory and the tall figure of her form-mistress was swirling out of the door .
11 And Violet Hunt , loyally selling copies at half-price in her drawing room , confesses in her memoir I Have This to Say that she was at a loss to explain why the damned were damned , and the blest were blest .
12 At a party in Soho in 1914 Epstein was talking to Beatrice , who made it clear that she was at a loose end in her life .
13 Suddenly , and for almost the first time in her life , apart from in her dreams , Marie felt that she was in a position of power .
14 Afraid to move , she became aware that she was in a strange room , in a bed .
15 But , even while visualizing entering the cupboard , she had at the same time been fully aware that she was in a non-threatening situation ( lying in her own bed ) and so , once again , the subconscious mind had no need to send out those panic signals .
16 professional advice about Elizabeth 's unhappiness was that she was in a state of ‘ mourning ’ and that time would improve matters .
17 Sitting up with a groan , she saw that she was in a small motor launch , approaching a wall into which a flight of stone steps had been built .
18 Well aware that she was in a public place , she tried to modify her voice ; only then Willis did n't always hear , and she had to try again a good deal louder .
19 It had suddenly borne in upon her that it was almost midnight and that she was in a strange flat in a strange city , with a strange man who was plying her with champagne .
20 The two had a son , Neville , and it was not until after the war years that she was in a position to resume her golfing career .
21 In any other circumstances , Fabia felt that she might have been a trace worried — it was n't every day that she was in a foreign land , with a foreign male who , having fed her , tried his hand at seducing her .
22 It were born on , Yvon Yvon hang on , get it Yvonne 's birthday is the first of February , and mine 's the twenty first , but she 'll be a year older than me , so she 's like a year and twenty days
23 right , so she was like a frog ?
24 Once she 's in a routine a bit more then but we are still trying to do as many
25 But once she was on a downward incline she could only run faster and faster , squawking with fury as she lost her balance , till she tripped over and fell in a tumble of feathers and feet .
26 Painfully , Christine swung her legs to one side until she was in a sitting position .
27 He seemed to have meant it when he had told her he would leave her on her own until she was in a more reasonable frame of mind .
28 She walked further up the hill to where the golden light still came unhindered , following from one patch of sunlight to another as they fell through gaps in the houses , until she was in a little cul-de-sac quite open to it , ending at a railway .
29 Oh , no , she silently grieved , and as her conscience prodded away at her until she was in an agitated state of mental uproar , so all her disquieted spirits urged that the next time she saw Ven she must confess the whole of it to him .
30 If you 've got a mate , a best mate , and she 's on a different house , you 'll write her a note because you hardly ever see her , and if you get caught for that you lose a couple of weeks .
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