Example sentences of "[conj] she [was/were] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Shortly after moving into her apartment she found a job where she was truly in her element .
2 At first the allowance was £10 for each child under sixteen years of age , but this and the income limit were raised during the First World War , and later , in 1919 , the age limit for the child was abolished provided he or she was still in full-time education .
3 Inevitably he painted ‘ La Canadienne ’ , but although she was deeply in love , Modigliani 's emotions never seem to have been engaged in the affair .
4 In essence Ward J. found that the physical and mental state of Miss T. on the Sunday afternoon and evening were such that , although she was undoubtedly under the influence of her mother , she was capable of reaching and did reach a decision as to her own treatment .
5 In Margaret Thatcher 's time — he wished that she were still at the helm — the party could always look forward to a damn good Leader 's speech on the last afternoon .
6 Then she saw how the Oxo boy on the advertisement hoarding smiled and she realized that they had come a different way by a different route and that she was nearly at Mrs Parvis 's boarding house .
7 Yet when she came to think about this further , she realised that she was nowhere near understanding Brian .
8 She had found a little beach not far from the lodge , but hard enough to reach that she was mostly by herself .
9 A police officer formed the opinion that she was unlawfully at large and on the same day went to the patient 's home with other police and nurses .
10 As Maura watched the dust motes flying through the air in the rays of the June sun she wished that she was outside with the younger children .
11 She took up tennis after finding that she was simply in the way if she appeared on the film set .
12 Trying not to show that she was completely at a loss , Sophie made a careful examination , then , taking out her stethoscope , she gestured to the herdsman to hold the calf steady while she listened to her patient 's lungs .
13 The position of the casualty was still uncertain , but she had reported that she was somewhere to the west of Burtonport so the lifeboat set course to the NW at full speed , adjusting as necessary for the large swell , and calling the casualty on the VHF radio .
14 We were cruising slowly with no lights and as the other craft approached , it became obvious that she was also without lights .
15 She knew it was snobbish , that she was just like any other package holiday-maker .
16 ‘ The letters show beyond doubt that Daphne had an affair with Gertrude Lawrence ( the American actress ) , that she was passionately in love with the wife of her American publisher but that it was n't consummated , and that she had some sort of an affair with her French teacher when young . ’
17 That she was here beside him now , instead of his sister 's nurse ?
18 Vaguely irritated , she decided to blame Aunt Bertha for the incident , because it was on her account that she was here at this particular time .
19 Libby was quiet , it was one of her special places , she wished that she was here on her own without George , able to let the wildness absorb her .
20 She had been so worried that she had not given one thought to the fact that she was here in her nightdress with Felipe standing looking down at her .
21 One of her co-accused in the Stompie Seipei Moeketsi trial , who supported her alibi that she was away in another state at the time of the 14-year-old 's murder , now says he lied throughout the proceedings .
22 Now that she was away from Aurae Phiala , Lesley had flamed into an almost delirious fluency and radiance , she who was bright enough to dazzle even in her chosen prison .
23 Tug could tell that she was desperately in earnest by the way she opened her eyes wide and by the little sudden lift of her eyebrows .
24 She could not tell them that she was desperately in love with Bob Lamb .
25 How dared he ? she mourned as she sank down on her bed and gasped for breath , and knew then that Naylor Massingham 's low opinion of her would n't hurt anywhere near as much as it did , had she not just realised that she was desperately in love with him !
26 But she did not pull away , and when he moved nearer still , holding her as though she was infinitely fragile , and turned her so that she was fully in his arms , her head on his shoulder , he did it so slowly that Sally-Anne felt not fear , but reassurance .
27 Why was it that she was always with Mandy when that happened ?
28 The great thing about Angie was that she was always for him .
29 She was quite alone in the house with him , and as she realized the extent of his strength and his determination , and the quite deliberate surrender of his self-control , she knew that she was literally at his mercy .
30 Even her financial naïveté could n't conceal that she was hardly in the best position to inspire the generosity of bankers .
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