Example sentences of "[conj] she [is] [adv] not " in BNC.

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1 If the individual can always predict what will happen after the first drink then he or she is probably not alcoholic and may have no need of a 12 Step recovery programme and therefore can not be said to relapse if occasionally he or she gets drunk .
2 We do occasionally get calls from people who 've dialled a number listed in one of the ads only to find that it 's wrong — an old lady in Dunfirmline insisting that she 's definitely not selling a Malmsteen Strat — or perhaps giving the ‘ unobtainable ’ tone on a number which does n't exist .
3 It 's not like she 's really kind of dominated your life it 's just that she 's so not stupid , it just , you know , it 's incredible .
4 From the outside people may say she has married into such and such a descent group but this does not mean that she is also not at the same time the wife of a particular man .
5 She ca n't even keep water down Doctor so she 's certainly not gon na keep that down .
6 We think it was going to be the seventh and the eighth and the ninth , and they 've told Newcastle City it 's the ninth , but she was meant to confirmed last Wednesday , and she 's still not .
7 I mean you get to this stage where a certain age you can say no you 're not having it because they 've got to start to grow up at some point and she likes using the felt tips and she 's usually not too bad with them
8 And she 's certainly not a tiny tot . ’
9 But she 's not for you and she 's certainly not for me .
10 ‘ I do n't think there 's any need for blood letting , but if she 's still not well tomorrow you could give her an infusion of mistletoe .
11 You must forgive her , but she is still not herself .
12 But she is still not quite as she was , I take it ? ’
13 The information only came out bit by bit since she 's still not easy in her mind about talking to us .
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