Example sentences of "[conj] she [vb past] only [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 This was a problem that merited expert advice , and , although she 'd only met the personnel director once before , she 'd liked him .
2 She went hot all over at the thought , too upset to understand that she had only escaped his hold because he had let her .
3 I 'd been expecting her to put up a stiff rearguard action , protesting that holidays were one thing and everyday life another , that she had only surrendered to me in a moment of weakness which she would regret for the rest of her life , and so on and so forth .
4 The Judge said that he had stolen Lady Margaret 's ring , and that she had only bought it that day and the ring was a very expensive diamond .
5 Mme Fournier was still in the car , she called out that she had only come to deliver a message .
6 Disconcerted , she admitted that she 'd only done this once before , that , in all honesty , I could probably do it equally well on my own .
7 She did n't bother to tell me that she 'd only got to call you , right ?
8 It was no good saying in her defence that she 'd only meant to be Cara Kingsdale for an hour , because things had n't worked out that way .
9 Once she had seen Harry again , she would know if she 'd only imagined that special magic between them .
10 While Luce wondered if she 'd only imagined that emphasis on the he Michele went on , ‘ I chose this room especially for you . ’
11 If she had only tried to make him see …
12 His wife taught the remaining pupils , three seventeen-year-olds , and , as if she had only postponed death until her duties were done , she died of a heart attack at the end of July , the day after the last girls left .
13 But she had only checked in a very recent volume .
14 Maybe she had been too outspoken , but she had only stated the truth .
15 But she had only gone two steps when Guido spoke again .
16 If you bought six cans , you got one free , but she 'd only wanted tomato anyway and that was n't part of the offer .
17 she said Chris oh you 're off the subsidy , she said I 'd got my wages anyway , er because she 'd only collected sixteen hundred and , hundred pounds so that , seven six are forty two , hundred and two pound you see
18 It was incredible but true — incredible because she 'd only known Fen for a week — incredible because she 'd begun by disliking him — but true that she was in love with him .
19 We 've already seen how carefully planned customer flow can encourage the shopper to leave with a loaded basket when she had only popped in for a loaf of bread or a pint of milk .
20 Even though she had only had time to glimpse the devastation that had been wrought , she knew that it had been a professional job , carried out by men who would leave no trace behind them .
21 Melissa was about to retort that as she had only known Bonard for three days he could hardly be described as a friend of hers , when a surprised , ‘ Well , what do you know ? ’ from Jack made them both glance round .
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