Example sentences of "[conj] she [vb past] be to " in BNC.

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1 For a moment Frau Nordern was tempted to lie , to say that she had been to a meeting , or a mother .
2 It was , she said , adding that she had been to over fifty funerals in the UK alone , the funeral of a lifetime .
3 Sue just happened to mention that she had been to an orphanage in Brasov and Christine realised it was the same one that Christine Morey had written about .
4 Anna did not say that she was not a virgin , that she had been to bed with two of the men in West Kensington and had been , at seventeen , much inclined to suppose herself in love with one of them .
5 I was almost certain that she had been to the British Museum no more recently than I had myself .
6 Since Georgina denied that she had been to Miller 's End since Christmas , and to the woods behind the cottage since the previous autumn , the forensic evidence clinched the case against her .
7 He too wanted to talk to her about the attack , but found her far less ready to talk to him than she had been to the woman from the gipsy encampment .
8 Russia backed Austria , only to make plain in 1851 that she was no more willing to contemplate Viennese domination of German affairs than she had been to back Prussian .
9 But Bicker had seen her wandering Glenbrittle , and she had been to the bothy .
10 I think she thought I was crying at firs , I think I might have been , but then she started laughing too , with her face all twisted to one side as if she 'd been to the dentist , and she kept gasping and saying , " Ooh , it hurts !
11 Clelia worked there because she painted : also because her parents pulled strings : also because she had been to art school : also because she had some highly inexplicit connexion with Martin .
12 It was so long since she had been to a party like this .
13 Donna guessed that it was more than two months since she had been to the cottage .
14 With a wardrobe comprising jeans and sweatshirts , a make-up bag containing an eight-year-old foundation and a hairstyle that had n't changed in ten years ( husband Steve never noticed when she 'd been to the hairdressers ) , Juliana felt in a rut ‘ I feel I 'm 30 going on 40 and would love to look more stylish , but I just do n't know where to start . ’
15 Me mother used to go in and lie down when she 'd been to the work .
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