Example sentences of "[conj] this has been [adv] " in BNC.

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1 In the case of a building which consists of a multi-storey part where this has been vertically compartmented from the remainder each part may be considered separately .
2 To suppose that Palestinians ' emotions concerning their identity in exile have weakened , or will weaken , over the years ignores the way they have responded to exile even where this has been relatively comfortable .
3 There is also pressure of space in the town centre premises , although this has been partly alleviated by moving one advice worker to Easterside Library .
4 Another method has been to increase the benefits paid by the pension fund , although this has been rarely used , nor has a refund to the company from the pension fund , as it requires approval from the SFO .
5 Although this has been particularly influential for many forms of Western Marxism , it also represents a deviation from Marx 's original claim that history is the effect of material conditions rather than of human consciousness .
6 Increased rents has also tipped the balance in favour of purchase , although this has been more than outweighed , at least in the short term , by increased interest rates .
7 Although this has been relatively under explored by economists ( Labelle , 1987 ) , presumably those providers concentrating on certain clinical services may be able to agree large contracts at a lower implied unit price .
8 It is certainly true that employment opportunities for older men have declined sharply over the last eighty years , but it is far from clear that this has been solely due to a contraction of demand for them .
9 Denying entitlement to whole groups of the population has been the third aim , and this has been particularly noticeable in the case of young claimants .
10 In MS Harley 372 the work is ascribed to Sir Richard Ros , and this has been generally accepted .
11 There is no doubt too that parents have become more aware that immunisation can carry a risk of adverse reaction and this has been most publicised in relation to the whooping cough vaccine .
12 This is the reverse of the case in C&P , and this has been most encouraging to see . ’
13 The favourite trick , and this has been around for several years now , is to simply double the horizontal scanning frequency so that a 300 by 300 printer becomes a 300 by 600 .
14 The greater absolute numbers of elderly people have been absorbed by the growing private sector despite a simultaneous collapse of long term provision in the NHS , and this has been widely attributed to the impact of the central government funding system for private residential care .
15 There is , however , a presumption in favour of allowing development applications , and this has been increasingly stressed by the Thatcher government .
16 It was obvious that he would love to have had a family , and this has been amply confirmed by his second wife .
17 There is a vast store of knowledge in the world on every conceivable subject and this has been painstakingly recorded in textbooks , journals and a variety of other publications .
18 So , I mean , all you do is get , I mean this and this has been down well it 's , obviously it 's been down since it opened , now I ca n't remember when Brewer actually opened
19 It is only relatively recently that the imbalance has been corrected and this has been mainly due to oil from the North Sea , resulting in import savings and export earning .
20 The second reason that , that we 're delighted to see you is that as a Trades Council we have been trying very hard over the last six or seven years to raise the profile of the trade union movement and this has been quite difficult in in during the Thatcher years , during the anti-trade union legislation , the onslaught by the media , trade unions er , the profile of trade unions has not been easy to raise .
21 One of its themes will have to be the confusion in our morality that the epidemic has exposed , and this has been much in evidence in the past few days in response to the ludicrous concert in commemoration of Freddie Mercury , and then the renewal of the controversial theory that Aids may not be linked to HIV at all , but instead , to cite one example , to promiscuous sexual activity that reputedly attacks the immune system .
22 The workforce has been restricted from 2000 17 years ago and this has been almost entirely due to investment in modern technology .
23 The severe drop down to the lower parts of the garden means it is sensible to provide a physical barrier and this has been cleverly achieved with a seat and barbecue that matches the sweep of the terrace itself .
24 The NUR has traditionally advocated a single union for railway workers , but this has been strongly resisted by ASLEF .
25 He had a little pink around his muzzle and eyes when I bought him two years ago , but this has been gradually increasing and is now quite extensive .
26 ‘ At first I planned to stay in hospital with Jessica , but this has been so much better .
27 The continuous darkness of the winter time could be made use of , but this has been less attractive both to volunteers and experimenters .
28 The interior is lit partly by the 16 windows in each dome which are set above the springing line , but this has been less effective since the thirteenth century when the outer cupolas were constructed .
29 Obviously , as erm I am in fact the local member referred to in er in the reports and erm it 's quite true that erm , it 's rare with some of these erm parking proposals that you get so much positive response from the residents but this has been very evident .
30 Understanding the disk organisation has taken me a little time , but this has been amply repaid by the speed and ease of data storage which the hard disk gives me .
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