Example sentences of "[conj] this [be] [adv] and " in BNC.

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1 ( d ) Agreed price As mentioned previously , it is essential to ensure that this is properly and finally negotiated at the commencement of the transaction .
2 It is not that these judgements should not be made , but that where subjective judgements are made by the teacher she should be aware that this is so and be prepared , not only to give reasons for her judgements , but also to be sufficiently flexible to change them in the light of particular circumstances .
3 Can you confirm that this is so and whether the accounts would then have to carry some sort of explanatory note to this effect ?
4 The point is that black people are not only at a disadvantage in the job market on account of their colour , they also perceive sharply that this is so and , despite Johnson 's tongue-in-cheek addendum , the consciousness of belonging to a group which feels itself to be at a disadvantage is clear enough .
5 To argue that this is always and necessarily a result of ‘ conditioning ’ sounds like a feminist version of ‘ I do n't know what you housewives do all day ’ .
6 But it would have taken more than me to convince Harold Wilson that this was so and that conspiracies were not afoot .
7 The yard did not appreciate the significance of the words , ‘ without prejudice to our rights , ’ the owners realised that this was so and deliberately did not draw the yard 's attention to the significance of the reservation .
8 And remember that most of the candidates in most of the constituencies believe throughout , in their secret hearts , that they can not win — while most of the remainder are looking only to resume the dismal MP 's job they had before , once this is over and out of the way .
9 That was then and this is now and changes have to be made .
10 It was the war which had led to the great increase in government patronage and hence also the potential for Court influence , and this was by and large a Whig war .
11 Now are aware that are losing the agency stuff therefore services should improve generally but this is mostly and the business travel , you know duty travel , cruise positioning that sort of thing , to the extent that erm and two of the ops people paid a visit to last week for a liaison meeting and one thing that I thought was absolutely remarkable that came out was in respect of complaining that they could never get through to anybody in erm in , they could n't get a reply from the extensions and they could n't send messages or anything .
12 And Phil was thinking I wonder whether this is about and I 'm trying to think of the next question .
13 When this is over and we are far away from here , and living quietly and happily and safely , Zeno will have to die too .
14 He 'd be glad when this was over and he could settle down to enjoy himself again .
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