Example sentences of "[conj] do [adv] [verb] down " in BNC.

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1 Someone walked past her , and spilt all the drink down her front , that did n't go down very well .
2 He has a habit of giving me messages for my dad or asking about the family that does n't go down well .
3 DataEase 's menus are n't overlaid GUI-style and do n't drop down , but this makes for a simple approach to building and using your database .
4 First time you go up it can be a bit frightening , but hang on with both hands and do n't look down .
5 Indeed she has spoken admiringly of criminals who are " active , free in spirit , and do not knuckle down to anyone " .
6 • If you stay awake at night and do not lie down , the increase in height does not occur .
7 If you are driving alone in a car , do not stop to pick up hitch-hikers , always lock all your doors if you are sitting in a parked car and do not roll down the window to give a suspicious looking stranger directions .
8 Unfortunately coaches are not infallible and do occasionally break down or need replacing and certain on board facilities may occasionally fail .
9 He was usually available for comment and did not talk down to journalists .
10 Naturally , it 's smaller and does n't break down so often .
11 Write about one main incident or object ( Chekhov said you could select anything you saw and write about it , but do n't sit down at the typewriter before the idea has gelled in your mind .
12 well you know I know that some people do but do n't back down afterwards and then say oh well never mind it was my fault cos it 's not your fault .
13 If he or she asks you to pick something up , assert yourself or defuse the situation but do n't bend down .
14 Twenty eight year old Andrew Hayton approached at around sixty miles an hour on his Yamaha motorbike but did not slow down .
15 He went the long way home , but did not go down the little gang plank to the barge of a friend of his — a woman who kept ten or so cats on board and brewed some awful drink out of peaches .
16 Susan walked into the room but did n't sit down .
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