Example sentences of "[conj] they give he [art] " in BNC.

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1 Every so often , he goes to a local hospital where they give him an injection of something , which cheers him up noticeably .
2 He astounded his American masters by demanding that they give him a more worthwhile job or he would be on his way home .
3 ( He should have won a Nobel Prize for general relativity , but the idea that space and time were curved was still regarded as too speculative and controversial , so they gave him a prize for the photoelectric effect instead — ; not that it was not worth the prize on its own account . )
4 Some of the things he said made no sense so they gave him a crack across the head and took him away .
5 Of course they did n't get the portable with this , they rang them up , said where 's my colour portable said I 'll put you on to the manager anyway they had some deal that night that erm to launch this Mini Mayfair or whatever it was wine and cheese thing so he went to the wine and cheese thing and worried he was gon na kick up a fuss so they gave him a telly anyway .
6 Back on the recovery ship , they opened the hatch and there was Ham with his arms crossed , looking gloriously bored by the whole episode , so they gave him an apple !
7 he 's after something , h his apprenticeship so they give him a thousand pound
8 They dressed and lit him against his character — softening where they ought to have emphasised the toughness — and they gave him a part with no verbal bite and no guts but even so it was not a bad first break for the boy from the snooker halls of Port Talbot .
9 ‘ Did she come through here ? ’ he demanded of the astonished-looking Chinese family at one of the restaurant 's six plain tables , and they gave him a look of complete incomprehension .
10 And they gave him the rowdiest send-off of the campaign .
11 He was willing , if they gave him a suitable hostage to ensure their good faith , to allow Berwick ten more days of siege , whereafter , if they were not relieved by the so-called Regent , they must surrender .
12 * So I 've been a bad boy at times but they reckon I ca n't walk out on a job if I 'm in the Jungle and Matt 's temperamental which means he does n't normally work unless they give him a hamper full of white powder but he seems to have kicked it and there are n't too many dealers swinging through the trees like Tarzan out here .
13 The airport hotel was an expensive way to live , but they gave him a trade reduction , which seemed the logically absurd extension of a farcical situation .
14 The plans were sent to the Governors of the Greenwich Hospital , but they gave him no encouragement .
15 In one of his rare public reflective moments , he looked back on the three women in his early life , Mud , Lorraine and June , with gratitude because they gave him a good start , independence and the belief that he could always take care of himself , come what may .
16 FORMER Goon Harry Secombe , who has had a second home in Majorca for the past 15 years , reckoned he had finally been accepted by the locals when they gave him the Spanish name El Gordo .
17 The Government must have thought that he was worth the money when they gave him the job and they must value his advice .
18 When they gave him the MBE ( some said it should have been the Croix de Guerre ) for services to the Party , the club committee charged 10p a pint all day .
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