Example sentences of "[conj] they can get their " in BNC.

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1 We maximise sponsor benefits in all media so that they can get their name all over the country .
2 But unfortunately unless this restraint is very clear and firmly upheld children will rapidly learn , by making a great scene , particularly in public , that they can get their own way .
3 They develop into large bulky plants , so should be planted by the middle or end of July so they can get their roots down and put on weight before autumn .
4 These jokes are liable to turn all your friends into a bunch of werewolves , vampires , swamp monsters and slime creatures just so they can get their own back on you .
5 And some bidders are expected to buy 2 tractors , so they can get their collection off to a good start .
6 It 's to the defending side 's hugh advantage if they can get their hands on the ball .
7 On holiday and at weekends , however , they recover their loss of sleep since they can get their full quota , say 8 hours , between 2 and 10 o'clock in the morning .
8 Adult anglers in Germany must take evening classes and pass a multiple choice test before they can get their rod licence .
9 It is the home of Harry Hardcastle ( Greg Hicks ) and his wife , Clara St Clare Hardcastle ( Miss Miles herself ) , impoverished gentry who must produce an heir before they can get their hands on a mysterious trust fund .
10 ‘ So as they can get their damned toes out and waggle then at people ! ’
11 As soon as they can get their head and shoulders through , they 're in ! double glazing conservatories is one of the best deterrents .
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