Example sentences of "[conj] they are [prep] be " in BNC.

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1 Children are more likely to obtain jobs in the class bracket of their fathers than they are to be socially mobile .
2 If so , estimate how long this will take , call the candidates for interview that much earlier than you would otherwise have done , and let them know in the letter that they are to be given a tour first .
3 Or that they are to be judges , or police commissioners , or toilet attendants .
4 When the press gets wind of it , the cronyism gives way to abuse of power , as people whose worst offence is to have arranged expensive air trips are smeared with the rumour that they are to be subject to criminal investigation .
5 As for the meaning of dependent conditionals , it is possible and perhaps necessary to say of them , as it is commonly said of " if " statements of various kinds , that they are to be taken as primitive , in the sense of not being open to analytical definition or reductive analysis .
6 Their meaning is such that they are to be distinguished from various other " if " statements , that they have certain logical properties , and that they are entailed by independent nomic conditionals together with further premisses in a way derived from the antecedents of the latter conditionals .
7 Round up all the children , and tell them that they are to be treated to sweets to celebrate the day .
8 Even as a measure of liability , it is of less importance now that shares are almost invariably issued on terms that they are to be fully paid up on or shortly after allotment and are frequently issued at a price exceeding their nominal value .
9 When the arrears are payable , the presumption is that they are to be paid provided there are surplus assets available , whether or not these represent accumulated profits which might have been distributed by way of dividend , but that they are payable only to the date of the commencement of the winding up .
10 Processions commonly or customarily held , and funeral processions are exempt from the notice requirement , presumably because the police will already be fully aware that they are to be held , and do not therefore fall within the ‘ triggering ’ rationale of the requirement .
11 While the expert clause itself may lay down that the parties are to be responsible for the fees and expenses of the expert in equal shares , which is quite common , or that they are to be met by some other party ( see 8.12 ) , the clause itself may not be sufficient to establish the expert 's entitlement unless its terms are clearly incorporated into the expert 's contract to conduct the reference .
12 Er he he he had been , in verse twenty five , now great multitudes were going along with him , and he turned to them and said to them , and you got there what he tell , what he says , he 's talking about discipleship , and of the importance of following him , and the cost that will be involved in following him , and the responsibility of those who follow him , that they are to be salt within their generation , within their environment .
13 It was revealed later that they are to be held outside Liverpool at one of Britain 's four special secure units for child offenders .
14 The numbers of those who have added to the ‘ goodness ’ on earth are legion , and they are to be found among all the races of the world , from origins of the humblest to the most exalted .
15 Their emphasis is usually ‘ Christian ’ rather than ‘ denominational ’ and they are to be found almost wholly in large conurbations .
16 That has not been the attitude of David Houghton or his group , and they are to be congratulated for that .
17 Er your Royal Highness , Chairman , Commodores , Ladies and Gentlemen , the accounts have been circulated and they are to be found on pages eight to fourteen with the report and there are copies around the room .
18 Hillhouse assistant site manager Ian Henderson said : ‘ This award is the culmination of a lot of hard work by all the team and they are to be congratulated on bringing their quality assurance scheme to the high standard recognised by this presentation . ’
19 If they are to be discerning consumers of political rhetoric they need not only to recognise the references but also to treat with suspicion attempts to make points through the mere mention of Suez or Munich .
20 Place a layer of the mixture in the base of the prepared mould , then arrange the melon balls on top , if they are to be set into the mousse .
21 For example , different aspects of a picture , a coin and an Egyptian mummy would need to be emphasised if they are to be distinguished from other objects of the same sort .
22 Self-interest plays a part but the clubs have a strong case when they argue that if they are to be the mentors to the young , society must help to foot the bill .
23 As industrialisation takes work out of the home , women , if they are to be encouraged to join the labour force , must be assisted in child and home care .
24 It almost goes without saying that any disciplinary strategies adopted by teachers must involve an even-handed approach towards both sexes if they are to be lawful .
25 If they are to be found , that is . ’
26 If they are to be used as efficiency indicators budgets should never be used as a means of containing or reducing expenditure by freezing levels or imposing artificial or arbitrary cuts .
27 Existing shops and businesses , if they are to be relocated , may be offered accommodation that is smaller , less well placed or more expensive .
28 This policy is limited , however , in two crucial ways : first , that such ‘ choice ’ in effect reduces to the ability to pay , and ability to pay has been profoundly affected by other policies which have increased the differences among groups with regard to income and wealth ; and secondly , that many public services must be provided in the local area if they are to be of real value and if other costs , not only financial , are not to be incurred , for instance , in travelling or moving residence in order to receive them .
29 The word ‘ strategy ’ , or indeed , ‘ management ’ , for example , implies that choices are available ; and choices , if they are to be rationally defensible , must be made by reference to known and accepted principles .
30 Those who are not teachers , whether they are concerned with the good of society or with the good of certain individual children , will even more certainly look to what happens after school if they are to be satisfied with what goes on in school itself .
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