Example sentences of "[conj] they are [verb] for " in BNC.

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1 They may have a requirement where they are looking for a very high return on capital employed and need to attract and retain the very best people in order to achieve that .
2 The Class 50 refurbishment programme was completed , although they are destined for a short life , while limited work was also carried out on Class 20s , 26s and 33s to see them through to the arrival of new designs .
3 There may be a general tendency to exaggerate ; couples seem to be more willing to abandon expectations of a third child than they are to opt for a third child after stating an earlier preference for two .
4 Those who give the impression that they are fishing for information ; they may be looking for a recommendation for somebody else who may be suitable to approach .
5 You as a care assistant are likely to be the most important person to show someone who 's depressed that they are cared for .
6 This can be comforting to them to some extent , but what they really want to hear is that you will not only see that they are cared for properly for the rest of their days , but that you will help them to remain in control of their own finances and to be as independent as possible .
7 Lastly , just as people looking for jobs are advised to ask around and find out about prospects through the grapevine rather than from official sources , employers too , where appropriate , can let it be known that they are looking for a certain sort of employee .
8 Is it about time that the Government took the opportunities of our youngest children seriously , gave their parents the opportunities that they are looking for and made sure that children receive the very best start , which is something that is taken for granted in other European countries ?
9 LABOUR Party branch members in Crook let it be known that they are looking for new blood to inject a little life and optimism into their ranks .
10 We can observe many examples in non-linguistic behaviour of the use of signals to regulate turn-taking : in many sports , for example , it is necessary to do this — footballers can indicate that they are looking for someone to pass the ball to , or that they are ready to receive the ball , and doubles partners in tennis can indicate to each other who is to play a shot .
11 And erm based on that , erm we would hope that we 're able to give them everything that they are looking for , certainly on the results point of view and also in terms of erm the commitment and the on-going situation for the future , that will help them sell more product .
12 Er two points , one comes onto environment for Mr who says that they are seeking for the environmental benefits to the A sixty one and relates something to the percentages .
13 Warts have more nuisance value than medical significance , but , like all of the minor sexually transmitted diseases , they serve as a useful indicator to the possibility of other infection , and anyone with anal or genital warts should make sure that they are screened for other genital infections .
14 Employing one or several people to answer calls , so that they are screened for their relevance .
15 And , as Bukharin pointed out , such products — armaments — are non-reproductive , and this combined with the fact that they are paid for out of surplus-value makes them non-productive of further surplus-value .
16 As a general point , statistics are social products , in that they are produced for organisations and governments .
17 Having checked that they are heading for Prague , I give a lift to the two young men at the head of the queue .
18 French Socialists prepare to feast on crumbs of comfort The Socialists have been told so often that they are heading for total rout in tomorrow 's election that they will be relieved if they manage the 20 per cent predicted by the polls , writes Diana Geddes in Paris
19 As for the Socialists , they have been told so often that they are heading for a total rout that they will actually be relieved if they manage to get the 20 per cent which the last polls were predicting .
20 The centre responds to requests for productions from groups in and around Bangalore with the understanding that they are used for the purposes of education and social development and that they reflect the principles of Christian communication .
21 It is recognised that these are important aspects of the learning and teaching approaches for the modules and it is recommended that they are used for formative assessment .
22 The price that they are sold for , and hence their rate of discount , will depend on demand and supply .
23 One of the reasons why Continental and American water fittings such as taps and showers can not be used in this country is that they are designed for use with high-pressure hot and cold water supplies .
24 When birds are released from cages , they flap and stretch at a very high rate , suggesting that they are compensating for their earlier restriction .
25 Burns has reminded his players — the best paid footballers in the First Division — that they are playing for their future livelihoods .
26 Sometimes the tears come for no reason ( by which phrase we mean that someone is not crying for a particular reason , for something or someone in particular , but that they are crying for everything ) .
27 Can you accommodate both cultures without offending either and without giving private clients ( particularly ) the feeling that they are paying for things that they do not want ( eg plush meeting rooms ) ?
28 And they are looking for local sponsorship .
29 The Publicity Sub-Committee is hoping to produce a souvenir magazine as part of our 30th Anniversary and they are looking for likely candidates to help form a working party .
30 And they are looking for it NOW .
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