Example sentences of "[conj] they [vb mod] be give " in BNC.

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1 So they have to find their way into the international financial system , where they can be given a veneer of legality .
2 Howard re-iterated his demands for the Nez Perce to settle at Lapwai , but said that they would be given hunting and fishing passes for the Imnaha valley .
3 Saddam Hussein delivered a speech on March 26 at the ceremony to swear in the new Council of Ministers in which he acknowledged that the forthcoming period would be a difficult one for the new ministers ; he said that they would be given between four and six months to demonstrate whether or not they were capable of doing their job properly .
4 In February 1989 the proposed new terms and conditions were outlined by letter to staff and , after subsequent fruitless negotiations with the unions , in April 1989 a notice was sent informing the employees that the changes would be discussed with them , that they would be given a reasonable time to consider the new contracts and that they would be dismissed if they did not accept them .
5 There have been suggestions that they might be given state funding , or that some RCD members in the Chamber of Deputies might resign to allow the other parties a look in .
6 But being a liberal-democracy also implies that the minorities must be given a chance to become a majority ; and that means , therefore , that they must be given a chance status and a means to convert the majority .
7 He therefore proposed that they should be given increased representation in Legislative Councils and that they should be admitted to the administrative services .
8 Managers are not themselves subject to these processes , and so in order to ensure that they carry out their duties efficiently , it is contended that they should be given the incentive of performance-linked pay .
9 Many pioneers of women 's education made it quite clear that they did not accept Emily Davies ' view that girls might be trained in the same way as boys , and argued that they should be given an opportunity , by way of , for example , domestic science classes , to prepare for the lives a majority of them would lead as wives and mothers .
10 We recognise why that is , and it is a perfectly reasonable requirement that they should be given that free school meal , but it is producing a rather sudden burden for education authorities which they are finding difficult to accommodate at present .
11 Both need our help , but the help that they should be given is by their own Government , by the full implementation of resolutions 706 and 712 .
12 It is right that they should be given a place of honour in the history of ancient art .
13 Hartlepool Council officials are to be given one last chance to persuade the government that they should be given a slice of its City Challenge cash .
14 Foreign oil workers have been assured by their Libyan employers that they will be given full freedom of movement .
15 The commission has already promised the chemical and other energy-intensive sectors that they will be given ‘ special treatment ’ — they will be asked to enter into voluntary agreements to cut energy consumption .
16 It tells disabled job applicants that they will be given fair consideration based on their ability .
17 Where the differences between the classes relates to financial entitlement , i.e to dividends and return of capital , the likelihood is that they will be given distinguishing names , though these may be no more informative than ‘ preference ’ and ‘ ordinary , ’ ( perhaps , in the case of the former , preceded by ‘ first ’ or ‘ second ’ where there are two classes of preference shares ) .
18 It is expected that the members of the team of consultants will be announced in May and that they will be given six months to complete the report , which will be published towards the end of the year .
19 Erm because I think what you 're doing 's far more valuable , and I was going to say what you sho what you er er perhaps a way forward is to confirm with heads of departments that they will be giving homework
20 And the assumption that they can be given is grounded on faith alone .
21 For this reason it is wise to keep a few in a bowl during the winter , so that they can be given a little warmth during early spring to encourage premature growth and shade the first flush of water discolouring algae , thus discouraging its growth .
22 ‘ The management executive is saying that some of that money can be spent on supplying condoms to GPs so they can be given to patients . ’
23 Claims that the English tests had not been properly prepared were dismissed as being ‘ without any validity at all , ’ and he stressed the importance of the tests in identifying pupils with reading difficulties at an early age so they could be given extra help .
24 It is the view of many of the vets in the district , the R S P C A Inspectorate and other dog handling professionals , that dogs must have adequate natural exercise and they should be given the opportunity to run freely as frequently as possible .
25 And they should be given a helping hand :
26 To take part in the event , pensioners in Northern Ireland need to produce their Ulsterbus concession fare pass , when they are buying a rail or bus ticket to the Republic and they will be given a discount voucher booklet .
27 A number of female applicants have already applied for service , and they will be given special weapon training and share in other duties along with male members of the Irish Army Reserve .
28 It would be very carefully calculated and they 'd be given the right amount of the proteins that they could use to grow , because in the first years of life there 's very rapid growth and development is n't there ?
29 Stroud and Evans are waiting to hear if they 'll be given leave to appeal .
30 And if they could be given a a better appearance , then the the people who see them , the people who drive through on th main road , such as Road and Boulevard , they could see that the area is n't as run down as often the medium makes it out to be .
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