Example sentences of "[conj] they [vb mod] [adv] have " in BNC.

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1 One carries a rope and he frets about its purpose , whether it 's required , where they could possibly have used it .
2 Also , more is understood nowadays about the balance of life within a pool , so the much quoted passage of the father of English gardening , William Robinson , in his classic The English Flower Garden ( 1895 ) scarcely applies now : ‘ Unclean and ugly pools deface our gardens ; some have a mania for artificial water , the effect of water pleasing them so well that they bring it near their houses where they can not have its good effects .
3 They may be parents or they may only have letters after their name , but what they have in common is this : they know that intellectual perfection and the criteria for measuring it are chimeras .
4 They might form an array of some higher dimension , or they might not have any array-like structure at all .
5 They were people who had reason to be suspicious , or they would not have paid so highly for Hayman 's services .
6 They were not the cream or they would not have found their way to this worthless place .
7 None of the Khans believed that Artai was so incapable of controlling the violence of his temperament , Alexei thought , or they would not have elected him .
8 ‘ His jailers were certain he intended to have me killed , or they would not have treated me thus . ’
9 Boys , young lads , not happy boys or they would not have sat so loosely to life that they could come the way of their murderer .
10 ‘ Someone must be with them or they would n't have got up there , ’ said Maud reasonably .
11 " Silly question , of course you must be or they would n't have let you out . "
12 Well erm David said that he did n't think the strike would have gone on or they would n't have the heart to go on without the women ?
13 Presumably the French had believed her , or they would hardly have let her go .
14 It had to be , he had to do something or they would never have er got In other ways in was a lenient school because as the years went by it was , a register was called , a teacher er opened a book and we called numbers .
15 I do n't suppose No they would n't have any warning about this going to happen or they would never have taking a lot of bairns down among it .
16 Desire , yes , of course , or they would never have ended up like this , but also a reluctant fascination and a curiously protective tendency that she found both touching and revealing .
17 The normal rule in such circumstances is for the convictions to be set aside : ‘ no reasonable jury who had applied their mind properly to the facts in the case could have arrived at the conclusion , and once one assumes that they are an unreasonable jury , or they could not have reasonably come to the conclusion , then the convictions can not stand . ’
18 The internal hierarchies of the print system were of course broadly coherent with more general social hierarchies , or they could not have been so effective .
19 ’ Anyone form Vadinamia , ’ Mala pointed out , or they could n't have locked on to us .
20 ‘ I should have liked to be a nun , except they would n't have let me smoke and I could n't live without cigarettes .
21 Left : Most wide waterway craft were built with a more spacious cabin and many boatmen lived on board although they may also have kept a house on shore .
22 The empiricists , although they may not have taken up Descartes ' idea that the mind is an immaterial substance , followed him in treating the contents of mind as objects private and internal to the individual and different from physical objects .
23 Although they may not have used the above terminology , their written statements confirm the evidence in their work .
24 Parents will frequently already be aware that the child is experiencing difficulties with various aspects of language , although they may not have considered the implications of these problems in any great detail .
25 The question remains as to whether British policy-makers can fairly argue that by fighting ‘ from within ’ , although they may not have entirely succeeded in limiting the battleground to issues of trade and markets , they have nevertheless ensured that the economic policy itself has pointed in the right direction .
26 Well the men although they may not have realized they were thirteen must have been pretty stupid not to realize they were perhaps below consent age .
27 Charlie was not at all worried : he was the happiest , sunniest child , and my parents ’ favourite I think , although they would not have admitted to having favourites .
28 He pointed out that although they would automatically have carried out such precautions , water would always be found in the deeper parts of the mine .
29 And she knew , although they would never have dreamt of telling her , perhaps did n't even admit it to themselves , that they were afraid of her .
30 In both cases , the girls would have been brought up in a genteel atmosphere , although they might originally have come from very poor families .
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