Example sentences of "[conj] they [vb mod] [verb] give " in BNC.

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1 While the logic of Black 's view has been widely accepted , in practice many empirical studies have used some form of rate of return , although they may have given it another name .
2 However , it seems likely that they could have given the 1968 Act a more liberal interpretation since it merely requires a local authority to provide sewerage wherever it can but within the bounds of reason and by no means universally .
3 Ministers have already decided that they will have to give cable operators a free choice on the technology they use , provided it meets the basic requirements already laid down by the DoI and endorsed last month by the Eden Committee .
4 No I 've been here more than five years so they 'll have to give me five week 's notice .
5 I do n't know , people l I 'm of them say they ca n't afford to pay the kids , and get the food for the kids , and they 'll have to give them chips a couple of , every day of the week or whatever , but th there 's no need for that .
6 So if anybody does patchwork knitting or makes blankets or anything for charity and they 'd like to give me a ring any time , I could give you the pattern .
7 And erm if they could have given us a proper explanation why they 'd gone back and prove us wrong them fair enough .
8 Although it might be useful cos they might have given I suppose might n't they ?
9 The European programme is , like the US Government Open Systems Interconnection Profile ( GOSIP ) effort , mandatory , and its is expected that most government buyers will follow the guidelines because they will have to give and explain reasons for non-standard purchases .
10 The manager had explained to him when he was taken on that the insurance people insisted the wharf was guarded at all times before they would agree to give cover .
11 There 's another in the keep would have done just as well , but seal or no seal , they 'd have wanted a better tale than I could think of before they 'd have given me the keys of the keep .
12 This is the fault of of er behind the fact er we have to ask speakers when they can come to give their talk .
13 They delight in playing tricks on mortals , though they will cease to give trouble if politely requested to do so .
14 Meanwhile , over at Mount Edgecombe , the most favoured guess as the site of invasion , the Earl reluctantly gave permission for one hundred of his finest oaks to be felled as they could have given cover to invading forces .
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