Example sentences of "[conj] they [vb past] [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 We were taken to the XX hospital where they took many photos and asked questions .
2 Contraction at just one tenth of this rate seemed small beer to astronomers , and was presented by the popular media ( where they took any notice at all ) as another example of a way-out scientific idea that had been undermined by more careful studies .
3 And they said you know th there should have been a way round it where they kept this couple in there .
4 On the one hand , the new owners of great country houses accepted the life of the landed gentleman , even where they had little land .
5 After we got that fixed , we stopped in Yellow Stone Park where they had these loos that were just holes in the ground and I dropped the keys to the van down one of them .
6 After we got that fixed , we stopped in Yellow Stone park where they had these loos that were just holes in the ground and I dropped the keys to the van down one of them .
7 The group of countries where the Swedes felt most alien were Central Europe , Africa and the Middle East , and where they felt less alien was in Latin America , while by far the most important factor was the happiness of the spouse .
8 Leonard also had a little room in the basement in which a piano was kept , where they spent much time together .
9 The court heard that customs men later went to a Surrey hotel where they recorded several messages of people trying to contact Melms .
10 Prior to liability management , banks paid interest on comparatively few deposit liabilities and where they did such rates were not always closely related to market rates .
11 That day they surrounded the farmhouse of the Baruffini family , where they found several prisoners .
12 Where they contradicted each other in inessential points there might be room for debate and uncertainty .
13 Although given a total of fifty-four times on two tours , which was not bad for an apprentice work mounted as a try-out , the nearest Adieu got to central London was the open-air theatre at Finsbury Park , where they danced that summer .
14 Traders and shopkeepers there were not capitalists , although they accepted that definition of themselves in their defence of free enterprise .
15 Some of the rebel leaders , notably Litster , may have appreciated their military weakness , because they attempted to involve members of the gentry in the revolt , and although they had little support of this nature , the very fact that they hoped to obtain it must argue against an interpretation of the revolt simply in class terms .
16 Bergkamp equalised for Ajax a minute after the interval although they had several opportunities to add to their score .
17 Although they met several times a day and were on good terms , the chief superintendent always felt uncomfortable in the commander 's presence : he was an earnest , church-going man who never laughed , never drank , never swore and rarely showed emotion .
18 And although they felt some roads would be too narrow , committee members on Thursday gave it their general support .
19 Despite the trials of many peasants in 1922 , the Nikol'skaia villagers tolerated the party cell although they disliked some individuals within it .
20 He took particular care of young players , seeing that they were well-fed and well-lodged and that they sent some money home to their parents each week .
21 We can agree that they carried these shows too far .
22 The audition which is the additional item includes moves at Policy and Resources Committee that they asked all committees to expose further reductions if possible to help close this gap of six hundred and seventy one thousand pounds .
23 John always said that they spent more money restoring the facade than they ever spent on the thousands of workers who worked inside the plant , but then when it closed they could n't knock it down , so they turned it into a superstore .
24 She says that they lived some miles from London , but they could see the red glow in the sky and smell the smoke . ’
25 They were both selfish individuals and she was now thinking that they deserved each other .
26 A number of manors , such as Patching , complained repeatedly that they could not cope with such demands ; there is little evidence that they got any cuts .
27 Certainly men at the central station boasted proudly of the fact that they took more prisoners per year than any other division in the whole force .
28 And so great was the love of the people for Elvis that they made many laws .
29 In the spirit of affability , may I congratulate the Government on one of the changes that they made some time ago , in which they followed fairly accurately the views expressed in early-day motion 488 , which noted that when ’ the Social Fund cold weather payments scheme trigger mechanism was put to a serious test it collapsed three times under the weight of its own absurdity the scheme is inadequate , inefficiently targeted and wasteful as the cost of advertising and administration are unjustifiably high ; and urges a new saving limit of £3,000 that would create a fully automatic scheme ’ .
30 Taking into account the fact that they made fewer comments about individual types of credit than men , women 's comments were more likely to be that they did not know how a type of credit worked than men 's ; and less likely to say that it was easy to understand and use .
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