Example sentences of "[conj] they [adv] [verb] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In Castries they strolled through the busy streets , bought bread , cheese and fruit for a picnic , and drank iced rum under the shade of a café umbrella , where they amicably discussed St Lucia 's long tug-of-war between French and English , and tried to decipher the local French patois being spoken all around them .
2 Most attention in the past , however , has been given to residential differentiation within urban areas , whereas the current trends are operating on a much broader canvas , such that young school leavers are drawn to London from all over Britain , older people retire to remoter rural areas where they previously enjoyed holidays , and young married couples move not just to the suburbs but to smaller cities and towns situated at considerable distance from the major urban centres .
3 Among those who did receive grants , moreover , most received them in areas where they already had influence .
4 Among those who did receive grants , moreover , most received them in areas where they already had influence .
5 In 1662 the family moved to Middelburg in the Netherlands , where they openly professed Judaism .
6 A better known work where such relationships are evident , and where they surely form part of any responsible approach to performance , is the D major Te Deum of Charpentier ( H146 ) , already cited .
7 They were up in their dormitories by 5.45 p.m. , where they often played cards .
8 They drove in from the west , on the 243 through Gunzerode , and along the cracked road that led past the IFA Motorenwerk where they once made bicycles and now were being upgraded to motor bikes .
9 Well , they broke through on about a forty mile stretch Where they really gained ground is up towards Arras , they made about five miles there , and down around St Quentin .
10 Gales and hard winters followed , including one severe ice-storm which welded coppiced small-leaved lime branches to the ground — where they promptly took root .
11 If you would like to meet these wonder women they have just moved to larger premises at ( tel : ) where they now have room for seminars , tuition and club visits .
12 they took him to a police station where they miraculously found 15g of cannabis .
13 The last two are different from the first five visual elements in that , although they also convey information , they are not part of the interaction in the same way .
14 Dee were appointed as the ‘ working ’ committee and , although they probably discussed things together there are no formal records .
15 This makes them a great deal less allergenic , although they still cause problems in some children who are highly sensitive to cow 's milk .
16 The Queen and Prince made etchings for their own amusement , intended only for their own private entertainment , although they sometimes had prints made to give to friends .
17 Today , in the country , you are more than likely to see women still washing in this way , although they now use lixivia ( bleach ) , sold in bright plastic bottles which , empty and discarded , can often be seen in a river bed or floating out to sea .
18 It was only the ITV productions that were not led in this way , except Thames who , although they never had women in their top hierarchy , have always had extremely good women heading production teams .
19 The English fought on foot at Hastings , and although they certainly used horses for transport , they may normally have fought on foot ; Henry I 's knights at Tinchebrai in 1106 also dismounted , owing to the nature of the battlefield .
20 These essays are not illustrated , although they often describe sites and buildings , are set in small grey type , and do not always bear much relation to the objects illustrated — it is to be wondered if all the essayists were consulted about , or shown , the selection for the exhibition .
21 It is difficult for her and others to grapple with the fact that , although they often oppose racism on behalf of Asian communities , they find themselves unable to control and dictate the forms that anti-racism takes .
22 using toluidine blue-stained tissue also failed to find aluminium or silicon in the plaque cores , despite using a technique ( laser microprobe mass analysis ) capable of parts-per-million sensitivity , although they consistently find aluminium in neurofibrillary tangles using this technique .
23 Many of the indicators chosen are suspect , as Macnicol has shown for earlier periods , in that they simply count contact with state agencies , and it is a commonplace observation that the poor are more likely to be in contact with social workers because they are poor ( Becker , 1988 ) ; young drug-takers in inner cities are more visible than wealthy socialites but drug-taking and drinking stretch across social groups ( O'Bryan , 1989 ; Plant , 1989 ) ; desertion of women by husbands and the choice to remain unmarried are not restricted to the poor ; and so on and so on .
24 There are pockets within pockets ad infinitum — a Russian doll of a bag — so compartmentalised do tourists ' possessions become that they completely lose track of where everything is .
25 The problem with adult learners is that they already have strategies for grammatical analysis and can efficiently use context in communication .
26 We have advised environmental health officers that they already have power under the Environmental Protection Act 1990 temporarily to remove equipment such as audio equipment to ensure that a noise abatement notice is complied with .
27 Do not worry that they already have logos .
28 1 noticed that they frequently lost interest during bulletins when political activities and speeches were reported or some official announcement was made .
29 Merseyside police have revealed that they probably killed James a few hours after they took him from the Strand shopping centre in Bootle .
30 Credit granters told us that they rarely checked information about employment because they found that many people regarded this as an invasion of privacy .
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