Example sentences of "[conj] they [verb] [prep] [be] " in BNC.

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1 As for the residents , they know just where they like to be and that 's down the local pub .
2 Laughter is the same language the world over , and the sense of pride and group identity which is engendered when a group tells another about who it is and where they came from is a critical factor in the cementation of the group and fostering of indigenous skills .
3 They went to the s School of Signals in the where they learnt to be operators .
4 All of the sample of Rowdies were able to plot very accurately where they had stood on the terraces over the last few years , who they had been with , and where they expected to be in the future .
5 They focus not on areas of need but on areas where they want to be seen to be giving , and that 's usually where the spotlight happens for the moment to be falling .
6 That congregations be given ample opportunity to sing in services , even where they have to be unaccompanied ( 528–529 , 540 ) .
7 out on their own are the crew of Dodo 's Delight … the boat from Oxfordshire that 's sailing around the world … the wrong way against the winds and currents … the crew of old boys from Kingham school have landed in Rio next stop is the Falklands where they plan to be ashore for Christmas Day …
8 Alexander and Weber believe they have found the best way to establish themselves where they need to be .
9 Here , John Landon and others believe , a more sophisticated response is needed : relevant in-service and pre-qualification training for teachers and educational psychologists , a greater number of bilingual teachers , and a thoroughgoing revision of tests where they need to be used .
10 Where they appear to be gaining , opposition develops , based on fears about the profession 's declining prestige .
11 It is at this point , where the routines become more closely aligned with the self and where they appear to be dealing reasonably successfully with the ever-present problem of control , that the habit becomes hard to break and that threats to it will be resisted .
12 Ports , especially great ports , are never quite where they seem to be — a corner , a quay , the light filtering past funnels and masts on either side , there is always something that belongs to other places and other times .
13 Everything had an improvised , random air about it , as if people had erected new machines just where they happened to be standing at the time , next to the debris of the old .
14 Incidentally , in such cases identity of interest produced a close symbiosis between the large producers — where they happened to be natives and not themselves foreigners — the great trading houses and compradore interests of the export/import ports , and the policies of the states representing the European markets and suppliers .
15 Whales and dolphins are largely carnivorous , but feed mostly on much smaller creatures — fish , lobsters , krill , plankton and so on , depending upon the species and where they happen to be in the world 's oceans .
16 Earlier this month a mass demonstration by radical green activists brought the yard to a standstill for a day and forced management into a face to face meeting with protestors where they claimed to be keenly supportive of the rainforest environment
17 Most will be reluctant to undergo assessment , either because they are involved in criminal activity or they expected to be subjected to a judgmental and disapproving attitude towards themselves , or because they are afraid their children may be removed from them .
18 Did did they have to wear lots of Do you remember your aunties or your your mother Did they have to lots of layers of clothes or they seem to be .
19 The ventral interradial areas are covered with plates similar to those of the dorsal surface except they tend to be smaller , many also carry rugose spinelets .
20 Biological experiments will be particularly hard-hit , they said , although they declined to be drawn about which particular experiments could be expected to suffer .
21 Some designs have been traced to illustrations in Miller 's Figures , although they had to be adapted to fit the curved surfaces of porcelain pieces .
22 The Labour Code was introduced in 1950 and , for the first time , urban unions were officially permitted — although they had to be legally recognized by the Ministry of Labour .
23 Although they began to be replaced in the more advanced parts of China by bronze coins by the middle of the first millennium B.C. , they still circulated in some provinces at the time of Marco Polo 's visit during the late thirteenth century .
24 All solids have vapour pressures although they tend to be very low .
25 ‘ The characters are like someone you would meet in the street , although they tend to be a bit more romantic .
26 This creates a conflict for them because , although they want to be stroked and petted like any other domestic cat , they are deeply suspicious of the hand that does the petting , fearing that at any moment it may grab them and hold them down .
27 His concerns are moral and religious , and in certain respects , therefore , although they appear to be out of line with the literary culture of Sidonius and his sixth-century followers , they do look back to the moral response which met the first wave of the barbarian invasions .
28 One by one the Parsons ' former friends and acquaintances found reasons not to accept our invitations , and although they claimed to be anxious that we should ‘ get together some time ’ , that time never came .
29 I realised that men in politics had dominated world attitudes for long enough and although they claimed to be experts on everything , my experience showed that they understood very little .
30 Carol , the Cookery Editor , was still down with chicken-pox , according to Barry , the husband they had thought she was divorcing , and with whose prowess on the orgasm front they were all far more familiar than they wished to be .
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