Example sentences of "[conj] on [art] way [adv] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ On the way up to Luxor or on the way back ? ’
2 If donations were taken at a service , they were left at the door either on the way in or on the way out .
3 That was not unusual on the Monday after a tournament , so I decided to drive to his house in Clapham in the hope that I might intercept him either on the way in from a long lunch or on the way out for a pre-prandial drink .
4 Except on the way back .
5 I do n't like heroes , so I was pleased to find that on the way up to Gorffwysfa Norman fussed and worried as anyone might when faced with the return to climbing after a long break .
6 So with Amyas 's long , damp fingers pressed against her eyes , Jennifer was led stumbling into the passage , and on the way up to the house Sir Gregory tried to think how he was going to pacify his wife , who had never been able to forgive him for his infidelity and who had always resented the presence of his bastard 's daughter under her roof when she came to hear Mass .
7 ‘ We wanted someone young , ambitious and on the way up a lad from Tesco applied
8 He added : ’ We were looking for someone who was young , ambitious and on the way up in management .
9 Well , I went off on holiday to Switzerland and on the way back I suddenly thought : Oh my God , what have I done ?
10 On the first occasion I had been down to visit an isolated village , on the south face of Kala Agar ridge , that had been abandoned the previous year owing to the depredations of the man-eater , and on the way back had taken a cattle track that went over the ridge and down the far side to the forest road , when , approaching a pile of rocks , I suddenly felt there was danger ahead .
11 Go downstairs to buy a pizza , and on the way back up to the room there 's a short , familiar figure in the lift .
12 Hugh of Lincoln died in London in November 1200 and on the way back to Lincoln the funeral procession passed through Stamford .
13 But he bore no malice , and on the way back to the hotel gave me quite a run-down on his cousin Ena , who he said had once been Queen of Spain .
14 Meredith Jones was a great talker and on the way back home from the youth club he
15 It is not clear whether Lancaster 's men were in arms or not , but Mortimer regarded his absence as a sufficient threat to raise a force in the king 's name , and on the way back to London from Salisbury in the company of the king this force encountered Lancaster 's men near Winchester .
16 But I always try to stay the night there on my way down through France and on the way back again because of the Hotel de la Poste where the Swiss proprietor and his pretty Norman wife provide such a warm welcome and such good food .
17 So , I was very disappointed , and on the way back to catch the bus on Parliament Street , I passed erm a shop called Jowers which was next to the Corner Pin , and er er although I was very nervous , I went in and ask if they wanted a tailoress .
18 And on our way to the crocodile farm erm we past some beautiful countryside , and on the way back one of the two jeeps broke down and after an hour they decided we would have to leave it .
19 It seems the only time I can ever talk to you is on the way to violin lessons and on the way back . "
20 And so he went the north end and got whatever it was he was wanting and on the way back he stopped at farm to watch .
21 So of course I never thought no more , went upstairs and got me fax and on the way back Ann was coming downstairs , I said what 's going on Ann ?
22 Warehouses were soon liberally festooned with bombs , and on the way out a number of parked fuel-tanker lorries were attended to .
23 The doctor gave me a prescription and on the way out he said You 'll have to find another doctor , there 'll be a letter in the post .
24 Then she said she felt happy enough to skip the Ecstasy experiment and , instead , to have an early night , so I refused to talk to her for the rest of the meal — rightly , I think — and on the way home I walked stiffly three yards ahead of her .
25 One night , in a state of despair , he drank several cans of lager with friends from college — and on the way home , expressed years of frustration against his parents ' beliefs ( as well as his deep need for their love ) by throwing stones at the stained glass windows .
26 In Britain the opposite was the case , and on the way home I noticed daffodils in bloom and even cherry blossom in sheltered gardens in England .
27 This was the closest Neil had ever come to Wembley and on the way home that night he came to the conclusion that this was the closest he would ever come in his entire life .
28 I danced , and went through all the motions of enjoying myself , but we left early and on the way home I burst into tears , and cried and cried and would n't stop .
29 They had both drunk far too much , yet it had been a very enjoyable evening and on the way home each vowed eternal friendship with the other .
30 I just remembered the caravan , and like , we had the floods on the Valley and everything like that and you all had the caravan okay , and on the way home in that petrol station !
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