Example sentences of "[conj] that [pron] had given " in BNC.

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1 It was the first time she had been left on her own and she had managed quite well except that she had given Mrs Prichard , the colliery manager 's wife , short change by mistake .
2 Since she was sixteen she had experienced life , and none of it had been good , except that she had given birth to a daughter and also that she had found out what love was , but had experienced the painful futility of it .
3 The advocates of " Unity " argued , however , that a considerable change had come over the Communist Party and that it had given up its " social fascist " accusations .
4 Four weeks later the partners returned to see Mr Barnes with the news that BCCI chief executive Swaleh Naqvi had admitted that false documentation had been prepared ‘ to deceive the auditors ’ , and that he had given information about loans to BCCI shareholders secured on CCAH shares .
5 What had really confused everyone was the fact that Kemp always carried a hip-flask of brandy in the car 's glove compartment , and that he had given his wife — trapped by the legs beside him — several sips from this flask before the ambulance arrived ; and had even drunk from it himself !
6 In a series of radio interviews on May 8 Annie Murphy revealed that she and Casey had embarked on a love affair in Ireland in 1973 and that she had given birth to his child two years later .
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