Example sentences of "[conj] that [verb] [prep] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 The central point of the book is a reflection of a non-technical ‘ wider ecumenism ’ , ‘ a juxtapositioning of mental shapes or ideas through which the poet had learned to look at life , his own and that reflected by others . ’
2 If the machine-readable data produced by other users are ever to become accessible to historians , and that produced by historians to other users , we need to begin thinking about the research processes in such generic terms .
3 The two approaches to the study of the mother and child relationship we have discussed so far-that based on physical care and that dealing with attitudes — each originally hoped to reveal the major determinants of children 's personality development ; neither , however , has succeeded in this task .
4 In the beginning there was carbon , and after several generations of Super Novae there was the solar system and then there were a whole lot of trees and they all fell down plonk into bogs and got turned into coal , and that led to the dinosaurs and that led to the mammals and that led to humans and that led to the miners . ’
5 Being Mario , that brought to mind his mother crying back in the camps because there was n't enough food to put on the table , and that led to considerations of the importance of the family in his life , of the value of tradition , thoughts of how Italian he was as well as American , of the kind of clean life America had offered , of his gratitude , of his feeling for his father who 'd made this giant move at such cost to himself , who had suffered so long and who now saw some chance for his kids of bettering themselves .
6 With the need for speedy disposal of the dead — and that organized by others than the coffin-makers — together with a dwindling supply of wood in the face of more work than they could handle , few involved in the trade were going to do more than fabricate a utilitarian box of standard shape .
7 After several more sessions out in the country , Hoomey got the hand of it , and learned that , even if he could n't stop , he could steer , and that sitting on Bones 's enormous flights through the atmosphere was comparatively easy once you got used to it , far easier than poor Jazz 's problem of trying to stay aboard when Spot , cantering quite easily towards the jump , put his anchors out at the last minute and stopped dead .
8 Holists therefore face the pressing task of effecting a compromise : they must somehow overcome the opposition between their own view of the individual and that held by individualists in order to arrive at a coherent theory .
9 Earlier the Sajudis leader and outgoing President , Vytautas Landsbergis , had warned that the DLP-led government could " sell out Lithuania 's independence " and that focusing on relations with " close neighbours " would lead to " political provincialism " .
10 Another employer , in the 1890s , rationalized women 's lower pay as follows : " the difference between the rate paid to women and that paid to men is almost entirely swallowed up by the additional work which the men require to do for the women , viz. making up , correcting , carrying about formes between the stones and the proof presses , etc . " ,
11 Thus in general , Solihull secondary teachers believe that staff would be more honest if names were kept off the response sheets ; that the scheme focuses on weaknesses rather than strengths and that generalizing about schools as a whole is difficult .
12 The text of the Convention drew no distinction between evidence obtained from third parties and that obtained from litigants themselves .
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