Example sentences of "[conj] not just a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It was obvious that not just a few houses , but whole districts including churches , monasteries , and other monuments to past glories would have to be swept aside to allow for the fill appreciation of the splendour of the glorious new order .
2 We made it clear that what we wanted was a better social security system and not just a cheaper one .
3 This alternative low level route is a valid circuit in itself and not just a poor substitute .
4 Wesleyan colleges were established as theological training centres but Baptist and Congregational colleges , because of their origins as dissenting academies , still had a bias towards giving a general arts education and not just a theological training .
5 Baths were mandatory and not just a lazy soaking but a good scrubbing with carbolic soap .
6 He said it was worthless having a respected financial sector that did nothing to help the economy and added that the vested interests of the sector needed to be tackled so that the benefits could be accrued by everyone in Scotland and not just a selected minority .
7 Terminology is required in particular here to allow distinctions to be made between prescriptive and descriptive approaches to language , and to show that the grammar of spoken English is different from that of written English , and not just a haphazard deviation from it .
8 We shall now try to categorize these formal links and then examine how far they will go in helping to explain why a succession of sentences is discourse , and not just a disconnected jumble .
9 I wish , dearest , that I was a poet and not just a silly twenty-three-year-old man about town …
10 This will ensure that the market-place of ideas , which politicians watch so closely , will have all , and not just a few , stall-holders of the truth .
11 Since we the taxpayers are having to pay for the programme , can the Minister at least listen to the taxpayers on this and spend these huge sums of money on all our children and not just a few ?
12 He stated that in New York , regarding practical experience , the only bodies that trainee embalmers could obtain were unclaimed ones which had been refrigerated for months , and not just a few hours old , as is the popular myth in this country .
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