Example sentences of "[conj] he will have [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The agent will send it around to publishing houses where she or he will have contacts , so your work will be seen more quickly and with a more benevolent eye .
2 Will he give an undertaking to the House that he will have discussions with the chair of British Airways to try to reintroduce that important link between London and Dublin ?
3 The precise allocation of resources within the region is a matter for the hon. Gentleman 's regional health authority chairman , but I know that he will have confidence in the excellent work taking place in Sheffield , particularly in the light of its new health strategy .
4 This use of attire , stands by the very ordinance of God ; who , as he hath not sorted all men to all places , so he will have men to fitte themselves and their attire , to the qualitie of their proper places , to put a difference betweene themselves and others …
5 Let the wicked forsake his way and the unrighteous man his thoughts , and let him return to the Lord and he will have compassion on him .
6 ‘ I stayed because little Willmouse is unwell , and he will have trouble enough when we are on our way back to England .
7 Alan Irwin captains the side and he will have Robert Glenn , Brian Faith , Taff Watson and George Neilly all fighting for the other two berths in the back row .
8 ‘ If Noriega gets into the northern redoubts , there are caches of arms and ammunition and he will have access to his bank accounts .
9 But he will have cause to resent his treatment by campaign organisers given Mr Kinnock 's unequivocal pledge to appoint him Foreign Secretary in a Labour government .
10 track , because it it , no other transport business er has er does has to have a business , which op owns both the track it 's operating on and the operating er facilities themselves , so the we 're not doing anything new here , what we are actually doing , and incidentally the German government and other governments are going down the same route now because it 's not true to say that others are n't privatizing , what we 're doing is saying that we are having a separate track authority , and there are a variety of reasons for that , er but the an and that means actually less investment by the franchisee himself , but he will have control over the th the track operations , because he will have a contract , with Rail Track , to deliver certain services , and if Rail Track does n't deliver them then he 's able to claim penalties so
11 He 's just as likely to be found talking to a six-strong student society in Bangor as addressing 500 top Earth scientists in Washington ; he will have a drink with ( and on ) me just as readily ( or so he makes it appear ) as he will have lunch with ( and no doubt on ) the director of the US National Science Foundation ; if he 's not corresponding with some editor over some esoteric point of science , he 's trying to persuade the high-ups at the European Space Agency to do something adventurous in planetology for a change .
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