Example sentences of "[conj] he has [be] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Sun Microsystems has lost its vice president treasurer , Thomas Meredith , to Dell Computer , where he has been named chief financial officer .
2 Jose Urbina Lara , leader of the group , who stormed the embassy on 8 March , stayed behind at the airport but was expected to leave later for the Dominican Republic , where he has been granted asylum .
3 A grievance results from a member of staff feeling she or he has been treated unfairly ; the governing body must establish a procedure as a means whereby she or he can seek redress .
4 Hence if a registered shareholder , A , first executes a transfer to a purchaser , B , and later to another , C , while both remain unregistered B will have priority over C. If , however , C succeeds in obtaining registration before B , he will have priority over B so long as he had no notice , at the time of purchase , of the transfer to B. If C did have notice , although he has been registered his prima facie title will not prevail over that of B who will be entitled to have the register rectified ( assuming that there are no grounds on which the company could refuse to register B ) and in the meantime C 's legal interest will be subject to the equitable interest of B. If both transfers were gifts , the position would presumably be different ; the gift to B would leave A without any beneficial interest that he could give to C and , not being a ‘ purchaser , ’ C could not obtain priority by registration ; his legal interest , on his becoming the registered holder , would be subject to the prior equity of B.
5 Nominating him , the Prime Minister , Mr Marian Calfa , declared : ‘ Although he has been forced to live on the fringe of society , he has retained his moral integrity . ’
6 Most of the population have welcomed Mr Mladenov 's reforms , although he has been criticised for leaving some of Mr Zhivkov 's supporters in prominent positions .
7 Although he has been accused , of course , of social snobbery , I think it 's clear that he observed the life around him closely and critically .
8 The position of Frederick , the young heir , shows the political sensitivity , realism and acumen of the pope , for he says that when Frederick grows up , if he sees that he has been deprived of the empire by the Roman Church he will attack the Church .
9 If Frederick , when he comes of age , sees that he has been deprived of the empire by the Roman Church , he will become its implacable enemy .
10 Hill has informed the Mirror that he has been asked to sign cheques on Flashman 's request without any knowledge of who would be the benefactors , or for how much .
11 This should permit a draughtsman to see instantly whether the part that he has been asked to design exists already somewhere in the company .
12 He returns with the news that he has been asked to ensure that the Parish Registers are all up to date .
13 His proud mum met him at Shannon Airport with the news that he has been called up by the Lions as a replacement for winger Ian Hunter .
14 Pity the way that he has been touched by faith within our local community .
15 Hence the suggestion in [ 30 ] , but not in [ 23 ] , that the speaker feels that the disappearance of his childhood has no explanation , that he has been tricked out of his childhood .
16 She dramatically resigned after hearing that he has been invited to speak at the Green party conference next month .
17 Show Geoff some charity I WOULD like to draw to the attention of all regular shoppers and visitors to Liverpool , who have heard the lovely voice of Geoff Caddick who does lots of charity work for the Newborn Baby Appeal , to the fact that he has been harassed by certain local business people who wish to move him on .
18 The first step in the proceedings taken by a defendant is now governed by Ords 12 and 13 and has two functions — to acknowledge that he has been served with the writ and to give the plaintiff notice that he intends to defend the proceedings .
19 The latest production to have commenced shooting in Dublin is ‘ Into The West ’ , the story of a re-housed gypsy who refuses to be parted from his horse — despite the fact that he has been moved to a high rise block .
20 Mr Marian Calfa is pleading for more time on the grounds that he has been given an even longer list .
21 He comes back two weeks later saying that he has been given the sack .
22 Sometimes , however , a customer will complain that he has been given incorrect change .
23 Taylor pointed out one of the things about great players who are given freedom is that they work very hard , and Gascoigne is prepared to do that , even in the knowledge that he has been given a special licence .
24 Gardiner , the Observer 's architectural critic , knew Epstein , Lady Epstein and their family from the early Fifties and this biography is authorised in that he has been given unprecedented access to family papers , including letters between the artist and Kathleen Garman .
25 In more severe cases , the performer awakes , as if from a deep sleep , to realise that he has been cheated of his just desserts .
26 The baby , despite the fact that he has been denied his birthright of the care of deeply loving parents who created him in love , is as well cared for — ’
27 In essence , B's claim can be characterised as asserting that he has been denied the right to a fair criminal trial .
28 The fact is that he has been saved from a disaster primarily caused by his ill-judged decision , based on terrible advice , to join the mechanism .
29 A traditional device for drawing us beyond the possibility of sweetening by sadism , right to the viewpoint of the dying man , is the death speech , at its starkest when Agamemnon cries offstage that he has been struck his mortal blow .
30 Mr Gummer has used the guest house for every Tory conference since his student days and he told friends that he has been rewarded for his continued custom with the best room in the house .
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