Example sentences of "[conj] he has [be] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Sun Microsystems has lost its vice president treasurer , Thomas Meredith , to Dell Computer , where he has been named chief financial officer .
2 Craftsman Dale appears , streaked in oil , from the depths of the engine compartment Where he has been tightening up a mounting bolt .
3 Jose Urbina Lara , leader of the group , who stormed the embassy on 8 March , stayed behind at the airport but was expected to leave later for the Dominican Republic , where he has been granted asylum .
4 Over the weekend he has been at the Spring Thing folk festival at Darlington Arts Centre , where he has been selling home-made ear-rings and Asian crafts .
5 A grievance results from a member of staff feeling she or he has been treated unfairly ; the governing body must establish a procedure as a means whereby she or he can seek redress .
6 Either he has just woken up or he has been grinding his face into his pillow .
7 Although he has been looking for the little creep to beat him up for having steered him wrong , he realises that it is better to be with someone , even someone like Ratso , than to be alone .
8 Hence if a registered shareholder , A , first executes a transfer to a purchaser , B , and later to another , C , while both remain unregistered B will have priority over C. If , however , C succeeds in obtaining registration before B , he will have priority over B so long as he had no notice , at the time of purchase , of the transfer to B. If C did have notice , although he has been registered his prima facie title will not prevail over that of B who will be entitled to have the register rectified ( assuming that there are no grounds on which the company could refuse to register B ) and in the meantime C 's legal interest will be subject to the equitable interest of B. If both transfers were gifts , the position would presumably be different ; the gift to B would leave A without any beneficial interest that he could give to C and , not being a ‘ purchaser , ’ C could not obtain priority by registration ; his legal interest , on his becoming the registered holder , would be subject to the prior equity of B.
9 Nominating him , the Prime Minister , Mr Marian Calfa , declared : ‘ Although he has been forced to live on the fringe of society , he has retained his moral integrity . ’
10 Most of the population have welcomed Mr Mladenov 's reforms , although he has been criticised for leaving some of Mr Zhivkov 's supporters in prominent positions .
11 Although he has been accused , of course , of social snobbery , I think it 's clear that he observed the life around him closely and critically .
12 The position of Frederick , the young heir , shows the political sensitivity , realism and acumen of the pope , for he says that when Frederick grows up , if he sees that he has been deprived of the empire by the Roman Church he will attack the Church .
13 If Frederick , when he comes of age , sees that he has been deprived of the empire by the Roman Church , he will become its implacable enemy .
14 Hill has informed the Mirror that he has been asked to sign cheques on Flashman 's request without any knowledge of who would be the benefactors , or for how much .
15 This should permit a draughtsman to see instantly whether the part that he has been asked to design exists already somewhere in the company .
16 He returns with the news that he has been asked to ensure that the Parish Registers are all up to date .
17 Even if you do manage to prove that he has been harassing you , there does n't appear to be much general acceptance of the fact that intimidating someone in this way might actually constitute a serious crime .
18 Merson does n't hide the fact that he has been struggling with his weight .
19 His proud mum met him at Shannon Airport with the news that he has been called up by the Lions as a replacement for winger Ian Hunter .
20 Pity the way that he has been touched by faith within our local community .
21 Hence the suggestion in [ 30 ] , but not in [ 23 ] , that the speaker feels that the disappearance of his childhood has no explanation , that he has been tricked out of his childhood .
22 She dramatically resigned after hearing that he has been invited to speak at the Green party conference next month .
23 Show Geoff some charity I WOULD like to draw to the attention of all regular shoppers and visitors to Liverpool , who have heard the lovely voice of Geoff Caddick who does lots of charity work for the Newborn Baby Appeal , to the fact that he has been harassed by certain local business people who wish to move him on .
24 The first step in the proceedings taken by a defendant is now governed by Ords 12 and 13 and has two functions — to acknowledge that he has been served with the writ and to give the plaintiff notice that he intends to defend the proceedings .
25 Xorandor explains that he lives on radioactivity , that he has come from Mars in search of food , and that he has been stealing the waste to feed himself .
26 The latest production to have commenced shooting in Dublin is ‘ Into The West ’ , the story of a re-housed gypsy who refuses to be parted from his horse — despite the fact that he has been moved to a high rise block .
27 Mr Marian Calfa is pleading for more time on the grounds that he has been given an even longer list .
28 He comes back two weeks later saying that he has been given the sack .
29 Sometimes , however , a customer will complain that he has been given incorrect change .
30 Taylor pointed out one of the things about great players who are given freedom is that they work very hard , and Gascoigne is prepared to do that , even in the knowledge that he has been given a special licence .
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