Example sentences of "[conj] he 's [verb] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 But he 's also saying is n't he at the end of this paragraph , or he 's implying that th this is this revolution is not happening because we the communists are making it happen , it is happening and we need to react to it and somehow we 've therefore got a choice , we can either trail behind or we can lead it .
2 The other thing is as well though you could 've actually got more out of Martin by talking about that because you may have mentioned something that he 's enjoying and says oh I do that , or something like that .
3 It 's one of the most evil weapons that he 's seen and could only kill or seriously injure .
4 ‘ But I 've been reading an interview in Groundswell where Johnny Boy says that he 's misunderstood and really he 's got a heart of gold . ’
5 And he does n't realise that he 's abusing and using them
6 But if you do find an area where you could save a key person several hours a day , then that is real money saved where he could be using his special expertise in his business to get more business , and then one would have to look more closely at erm the particular application , particular jobs that he 's doing and that could be put on the computer .
7 Erm , I wonder if this is a matter which budget review might wish to keep on a continuing brief , so that , to satisfy themselves that the , this council is in fact making progress , and will be in a position to satisfy the district auditor in future years that we are er , taking on board the comments that he 's making and er , moving forward .
8 But the only query that Trevor 's put in my mind is the fact that he 's saying that the cost is gon na be extortionate .
9 Well she says Michael has n't rung so she said I assume that he 's coming cos if he 's going to be late , if he 's anywhere reasonable
10 Not a medium so he 's given him the small so he 's thinking if if it does n't fit he 's still made the sale .
11 Once he 's shampooed and rinsed off , scrape off the excess with a plastic sweat scraper and put a rug over him .
12 President Bush says the world must look beyond the Gulf crisis to a new deal for the Middle East , and he 's hinting that an Iraqi pull out from Kuwait could lead to an end to the conflict between the Arabs and Israel .
13 A doctor is called , and he 's diagnosed as having a minor case of blood poisoning , caused by drinking too heavily ( a three-day stint which started on the transatlantic flight and ended in the White Horse Tavern ) .
14 The dog just leaps on him right , so he 's wrestling this dog , and he 's screaming and the dog going , growling at him and everything
15 Steve Goodwin is The Drummer From Cud and he 's pretending that he thinks it 's a really cool joke ha ha ha that both he and the band he loves have become a synonym for wanky indie crap .
16 And he 's warning if this is n't tackled now , we are creating a lethal cocktail which will result in a spiral of despair .
17 And he 's stopping and going
18 I said he 's my father and then he falls out the fucking bed when they put him in it because they admit negligence , they forgot to put the cot side up , dad has got lack of oxygen to his bra brain , he thought it was the Battle of Hastings going on but they said there was nobody there , well surely they must have known Joy he fell out the bloody bed because he 's laying like this and he 's falling and he 's falling and bang come out , he split all his bloody head open , do you know the blood was there from the night he fell out , he fell out at half past ten at night and they never informed us , which is against the law and the blood still sat there at quarter to four the following day , all over the floor , he 's got a bloody stitch in his head which they done to him while he were in the bed , and ripped three tubes out of his arm , split all his bloody arm open
19 I said he 's my father and then he falls out the fucking bed when they put him in it because they admit negligence , they forgot to put the cot side up , dad has got lack of oxygen to his bra brain , he thought it was the Battle of Hastings going on but they said there was nobody there , well surely they must have known Joy he fell out the bloody bed because he 's laying like this and he 's falling and he 's falling and bang come out , he split all his bloody head open , do you know the blood was there from the night he fell out , he fell out at half past ten at night and they never informed us , which is against the law and the blood still sat there at quarter to four the following day , all over the floor , he 's got a bloody stitch in his head which they done to him while he were in the bed , and ripped three tubes out of his arm , split all his bloody arm open
20 And he 's saying that that flesh can have something , that human nature can undergo a miracle !
21 We have another chap who 's just joined who is so shy , I mean Desmond knows him , and he 's contributing and sitting there and typing .
22 on his face and he 's going oh I 've got , he says I ca n't he 's going no no my face is stinging and he goes my face hurts , his face was red like , he goes it hurts , it 's stinging and he 's rubbing and everything and he goes oh it hurts , it hurts and laughing at him .
23 and he 's not sleeping either and he 's tossing and turning , oh at night , he keeps you awake you know
24 yeah and he 's deciding that Adam and he 's deciding that Adam were n't worth it and
25 yeah and he 's deciding that Adam and he 's deciding that Adam were n't worth it and
26 And then we get to the roadworks , and probably he 's either in front of me or behind me , and he 's going and then he gets through the roadworks , and it 's , away , whoa , woof , and they 're up behind you are n't they .
27 And the bear 's behind all , all blood coming out and he 's going and the man turns round and he goes .
28 Because it was agreed it should be a single storey dwelling and he 's going for he wants a chalet type bungalow .
29 One embarrassed spokesman said last night : ‘ If he 's said that , then there 's not much more we can contribute to it . ’
30 It 's not a question of if he 's sacked but when .
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