Example sentences of "[conj] he have [vb pp] [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 That took him back to the ‘ Nam , where he had joined up with the Summoner and later fought with the VC against the Ivans .
2 ‘ Boy ’ Mould had served in France with 1 Squadron in 1939/40 , where he had shot down the first German aircraft to be claimed by R.A.F. fighters over the Western Front ; he had over eight victories to his credit at this time .
3 Harbury tried to grab the apparent opportunity but Wickham neatly turned the conversation so that Shildon was able to go on where he had left off .
4 She was still tingling with pleasure and her cheeks burned when she realised that if he came back he could just take up where he had left off and she would not do a thing to stop him .
5 The 1991 world champion , impressive during the 5–3 quarter-final success over James Wattana on Thursday , picked up where he had left off in the opening frame .
6 Collins was the other striking contributor within Scotland 's side , tirelessly continuing at international level where he had left off for his club in Saturday 's Old Firm game and looking unaffected by the demands of a workload which had caused wholesale disruption to the national team elsewhere .
7 When he 'd gone , Connors picked up where he 'd left off .
8 It had worked very well last night with Fräulein Hubert , better than he 'd hoped , but he ought to be careful until his plans were all consolidated , then he could dump Ingrid and carry on where he 'd left off with that lovely little thing .
9 ‘ I just ca n't watch myself , ’ he said in Santander yesterday where he has joined up with the England team to watch tonight 's match against Spain .
10 It 's one topic where he has figured out a way of linking present to past that really gets fourth-years moving .
11 But once 'e 's come round we talk about the good old days , an' how they 're a complete blank .
12 Although he had kept up his reading — particularly in Greek and French — and written some stories for the Speaker , he believed his intellect had been let sleep .
13 Young stays there until something happens : he might get a picture within half an hour , although he has hung around until 4 am .
14 Why did he have to be so careless that he 'd ended up in prison ?
15 Fergus , used to the occasional cigar with his brandy now that he 'd given up his pipe , pronounced the smoke quite cool , and objected more to the sweet taste of the Old Holborn than to the scent of resin .
16 Did that mean she actually did have a choice , that he 'd given up the idea of evicting her ?
17 And shortly after the daylight found him , he was pensively studying a box of a dozen contraceptives that he 'd turned out of her soapcase .
18 He had read it out to him but he knew that he 'd missed out bits .
19 Van Gelder had n't made any mistakes about her , Talbot thought , except that he 'd missed out on the wide green eyes and a rather bewitching smile .
20 By the time that he 'd stepped out of the kitchen and into the main hall , he 'd lost her .
21 That he 'd gone out to look for her on the road and across the clunch pit field , returning alone half an hour later .
22 Surprising that he 'd talked back to them , yes .
23 After the laughter had died away , he told a story about one particular commercial that he 'd worked on .
24 It had n't actually been Guy Sterne 's fault that he 'd barged in and found her naked in his bedroom last night , even if his mocking treatment of the incident had been grossly insulting …
25 He worked on the buses when he arrived , showed me a canopy in front of a hotel that he 'd brought down on his first solo drive .
26 Sometimes I imagined that he 'd sneaked back into the country and was leading another life .
27 When he 'd started regaining his confidence he told us that he 'd taken over from Terry in the endless arguments with David Jacobsen .
28 It was certainly better than the sandwich and a can of beer that she 'd expected ; if this had been the late and unlamented Eddie she 'd probably have been faced with a walk to the nearest carry-out to find that he 'd finished off the beer in her absence .
29 ( And as Lucy was shuffling tensely and waiting for someone to respond , Joe Lucas was in his hotel room and trying to prise the cap off a fresh bottle of painkillers that he 'd picked up , along with some disposable razors and a few other essentials , from a late-opening pharmacy on Piccadilly .
30 A wild idea occurred to him — why did n't he just get his spare shirts and the few pieces that he 'd picked up while he 'd been staying here , throw them all into a bag , and jump on a train or a bus to present himself on their doorstep ?
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