Example sentences of "[conj] he could be [adj] " in BNC.

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1 He wanted to go somewhere where he could be alone — where he could get some peace .
2 I 'd kind of been hoping they 'd take the cuffs off me altogether by now but I suppose they 're thinking that the body in the shaft does n't prove anything by itself , and that Andy could still be dead , or he could be alive and he — or somebody else — could have kidnapped Halziel and Lingary to provide cover for me .
3 Or he could be dead .
4 What troubles the admirer of Lewis the critic — the man who had such an eye for excellence in the poets of past ages — is that he could be capable of stanza after stanza in which the verse is deadened by flat language , repeated clumsy enjambments and sheer technical incompetence .
5 Although the text was carefully drafted to limit the rights of the visiting judge , in that he could be present at , but play no active part in , the proceedings , more active participation is in practice allowed in some countries .
6 Now can we look at his pay cos you all been busy on the directors ' pay and this chartered secretary is really important and so that he could be available on a Saturday afternoon if he was wanted .
7 Was she really contemplating the possibility that he could be involved in something illegal ?
8 They faced each other , and she found it hard to believe that he could be involved in anything underhand .
9 If peace was not obtainable on these terms , then of course he wanted victory , and he wanted to know before he started the battle that he could be certain of gaining it .
10 ERIC Cantona last night threw Leeds a European Cup lifeline by declaring that he could be fit for the second leg against Stuttgart at Elland Road next week .
11 The head had gone to great lengths to buy his own school rather than work in the state sector precisely so that he could be king-pin with nobody telling him what to do .
12 About 12 months ago Innes mentioned that he could be interested in a rugby league offer after the World Cup , and so it was not a surprise that he was tagged by the cheque-book boys in Britain .
13 A twelve year old makes a wish at a fair ground fortune telling booth that he could be big , and the next morning his astonished to find that he 's fully grown
14 It would do Kate good to realise that he could be responsible too .
15 The Profitboss gets to the top because he believes that he could be wrong and could do better .
16 He therefore only makes a judgement when a profit-decision has to be made , and in doing so takes the risk that he could be wrong .
17 For a second , it crossed Harry 's mind that he could be wrong .
18 They had reached the hilly avenues of Lisbon when it occurred to her that he could be worried about how she might behave when the time came for them to part .
19 This time he would take Eliza with him all the way to her brother 's homestead at Yarrundi , so he could be sure of being in the area for at least three months .
20 Where will it end he 's thinking , and he could be right .
21 This was his first major starring role in the West End and he could be pleased with the rave notices , but there was one tinge of disappointment .
22 And er he , of course with him being a blacksmith , he could get a job anywhere in America , he says he could leave a town tonight and land in another town , he says and he could be sure of getting a job with him being a blacksmith .
23 In temperament , Coleman appears to have been somewhat mercurial , and he could be despondent , as he was understandably at the time of his wife 's illness .
24 Chapman regarded it as his prerogative to deal with players who were not measuring up , and he could be ruthless if he thought they justified it , as in his treatment of Walsh and Black after the Walsall débacle .
25 There was a cook and a maid and he could be fierce with them .
26 Then , as Creggan abruptly turned and went down into the silence and gloom of his shelter , where no other eagle could see him and he could be alone with his thoughts , Kraal muttered after him , ‘ Golden eagle !
27 And he could be kind ; she was n't imagining it , was she ?
28 It was unfair not to hold the meeting until he could be present .
29 On more than one occasion he had had to remove a dead dog from the highway and take it in his barrow to the incinerator , and there were times when he had to take the place of a night watchman who had been taken ill on one of the larger roadworks and stay there until he could be relieved .
30 There must surely be some connection of ideas here , and he would get better quickly if he could be certain that everything made sense .
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