Example sentences of "[conj] he say [adv] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Well I says are you gon na clamp me or he said well we 'll tow you away he said !
2 Steven thinks that just be I only just got in he said , I 'm having my tea and he said there 's no way I 'm gon na do nothing like that at this time of night when I 've been fourteen hours at work So then he stormed off back home again so he said well you 'll have to move it cos it 's obstructing the dual carriageway someone might come round that corner fast and hit it .
3 So after a week he takes away the bandage , removes the bit of radium , sure enough there 's a bright red radiation burn on his forearm but apart from that he feels fine , he does n't feel ill , he obviously has n't died , er so he said well I 'll leave that for a few weeks and monitor my , my health and see if there 's any long term affects from this exposure to , to radiation .
4 So he said oh oh said his moan and groan so he said well I spoke to Blue he said , he 's off sick he said and he gets ninety pounds a week for being at home I 've been working here all week he said , for a hundred and forty so I 'm forty pound a week better off than him !
5 then I felt a real twit , cos a man came up and I said I think something 's gone wrong with the auto bank machine , says I , it wo n't give me any money because it 's , it 's coming up there 's an error , so he said well I 'll try and see , he says , he put in exactly the same card as me , he had the Midland card , put it in , got his money
6 and he knows Mrs so he said well I know a lady who could fill a lot of gaps for you , Tom , in your history thing , so he asks , he asks
7 we 'll have to re-issue another one which could take sort of , you know , this time of year it 's over a week so he said well it definitely has .
8 and er , then he said I believe you know Mark , so I said yes , so he said well he 's standing here at my side , he 'd like a word with you , so Mark came onto the phone
9 So Christopher said yes , so he said well he said , he said Mark said well we 've done a good job this afternoon so I thought that was nice of him
10 Mm so he said erm , that 's the situation he said but you can forget your business he said , as far as I 'm concerned he said , you 've lost for two years so he said consequently he said you 're gon na lose this year are you ?
11 so he was gon na do the same for me , do a bit of shopping well I said you 'll get it like give you the money , so he says well I was gon na do the same but I said the only thing is when we go to the cash desk er , I said I 'm gon na leave you , I said I 'm not standing there
12 so when somebody says to him what sides your heart on and he says right they say no , he says yes it is
13 computers and that and er he left it and he just carried on talking about this that and the other , and he says right I 'm going and he went and he left the game , he 'd brought it down for the kids , he did n't say , you know
14 And that 's when you get the problems , I had a chap ring me , he wanted to report a crime , and he says well you 're only just down the road , at , I said no I 'm not I 'm at Sherwood Lodge , he said I did n't ring Sherwood Lodge I rang police station
15 and she could n't realize how she come out in these she went to the doctor and he says well you must be allergic to summat
16 Er Joke went to Berty , and he says well you better tell her , you 've arranged it all !
17 At least at least you know how you know if he says you can have this one or this one yeah cos the choice between one or the other and he says well I can fit this one immediately , but , this one I 've got ta order .
18 And he says well I I 'm sorry after considering it carefully I can not go through with this transaction , I relinquish my right to redeem , lest I impair my own inheritance .
19 and and he says too he had to admit that he 's lazy .
20 So I thought well in case I ca n't get them anywhere else the market and he said well we 'll have one from here , twelve ninety nine .
21 yeah , and he wants to , he came home this morning and he said , he must of been thinking about it , and he said well we could emulsion the walls , he said erm , why do n't we do an apricot white , I says well that 's peach , I said the
22 Erm it 's tha then getting towards and she 's gone down and done the horses he sh he said it 's then getting to Harriet 's bed time so she baths her all sorts her out and he said well she does work hard , he said and by the end of that she she wo n't be able to do anything else !
23 And he said well it 's a different , you know different department .
24 And he said well it 's a long time since you had the accident .
25 In nineteen eighty three from nineteen fifty three after thirty years of making cheese , they changed his job , I think many of you are ahead of me already , he said I was given a job change and I began working in landscaping , how nice while being interviewed some time ago I was asked what I thought about being giving a job change after thirty years of making cheese and he said well it did n't bother me , I noted , frankly because I did n't like making cheese anyway
26 Yeah , I said it 's due to go off now , I said , half past three and we waited and waited and he said well it 's ten to four by me he said and I have n't heard one .
27 He got the sack , cos he got up and left his job overslept and annoyed erm Rachael because she woke him up twice and said come on you 've got to go to work , he said alright then , she , she went back to bed thinking he 'd get up and of course he were still laying in bed , I woke him up at five to eleven , said come on you 're an hour late , but when he got down there they said no it 's no good you 've got the sack , and he said well it 's your own fault then cos you were woke up twice by Rachael at nine o'clock , he had n't , he could have got up and gone to work , just idle we met him twice , it really upset him
28 and he said well it was the least I could do under the circumstance .
29 well he 's going through it and he said well it looks alright to me and I say well it does n't look as if it 's connected , any way I won , I could see why then it did n't look connected
30 Aye , so you end up marking it then and er , well she did , she got me to go there second time , and he said well you ca n't you see er
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