Example sentences of "[conj] he [was/were] on [art] " in BNC.

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1 Carl 's parents Lorraine and David , of nearby Hateley Heath , were at his bedside in Sandwell District General Hospital , where he was on a life support machine .
2 They remained in Ottawa after his military service , where he was on the advisory board of a trust company and was close to the excellent fishing of the Gatineau hills .
3 In The fire of Love Rolle emphasises the joyful aspects of his experience and his excitable , intense religiosity gives the reader the impression that he was on a perpetual — even a manic — ‘ high ’ .
4 This was worrying , for it could mean that he was on a collision course with the Regent , who was raising the Bothwell and Airdrie areas .
5 Although he was no stranger to the town , now that he was on a case he was seeing it with new eyes .
6 But she could not see all the way , it was feasible that he was on a lower flight and she would come face to face with him .
7 Yes , there was a rumour that he was on a
8 The warm reception given to Project 90 , designed by John Heffernan and Ken Greenley , provided positive proof to Ward that he was on the right track in his long-term strategy of building a separate and much stronger image for the Bentley marque .
9 There were rumours after he had a stroke last March that he was on the brink of retirement and that he wished to go .
10 McLeish had rung his own flat to collect messages ; he could see Catherine just waking , and waved to her to indicate that he was on the phone .
11 At night a light had to be on all the time and Blake 's prison clothes had to be placed outside his cell while , during the day , the clothes he wore had distinctive patches of coloured cloth on them to show that he was on the escape list .
12 His retreat was , however , purely tactical , for the hunter had got wind of his quarry and from early 1869 he began to lay his traps , with the certain knowledge that he was on the right track .
13 I can not resist retelling one of the anecdotes : in 1963 , at a party to congratulate Cotton on an award he had just received , Lipscomb told Cotton that while he was delighted by the choice , it should not be supposed that he was on the ‘ cottonpickin' ’ committee .
14 Equally , his brace against Manchester United in our last match of 1990–91 ( co-incidentally also his own 150th Palace appearance ) demonstrated that he was on the verge of international recognition , with the second one , struck from fully 30 yards , bringing the big crowd to its feet in salute .
15 Mir Jafar , who was made Nawab , had an adequate claim to the throne and might have been a good ruler under other circumstances , but it was quite clear that he was on the throne simply because the Company had decided to put him there .
16 When Wordsworth confessed in a letter of 1794 that " I am of that odious class of men called democrats " , what he was indicating was not so much that he was a supporter of a wider parliamentary franchise as that he was on the side of the people and that he was a social and political egalitarian , though not necessarily also an economic one : " … my heart was all/Given to the people , and my love was theirs " , recalled the poet in The Prelude ( 1805 , Book IX , II .
17 The strange thing was they did n't seem to mind that he was on the same terms with judges , cops and lawyers .
18 We know , for instance , that he was president of the commission for the building of the great statue of Athena by Phidias , and of that fur the Lyceum ( Philuchoros F 121 and 37 ) , that he was on the Parthenon commission ( Strabo 395 ) , and that he was responsible in an elected capacity for the Odeum ( Plut .
19 He had gone out for air while Mary reverted to her servant role , but an impulse had taken him much further than he anticipated and now that he was on the shoreline he knew that he had followed an instinct which was directing him to resolve this business with Mary .
20 We heard him talking , but heard no response , so we guessed that he was on the phone to one of the chefs rather than just moaning to George .
21 The sound of his voice made her jump , despite the fact that he was on the far side of the door .
22 Lately , Ockleton had heard it mentioned that he was on the staff of a Roman Catholic boarding school in the West Country .
23 It was n't an enjoyable period of his life , but he stuck it out , certain that he was on the right track .
24 Why was Roger Seelig told by someone giving medical advice several months after his trial began that he was on the verge of a mental breakdown , yet last week he was roaring up the M4 in his Porsche to look after his two properties ?
25 Most of those who saw the General in the weeks after his resignation did not come away with the impression that he was on the edge of his seat waiting to be asked back .
26 In June he gave a broad hint that he was on the verge of acting .
27 Lou Macari took charge of training at Stoke City this morning then set about dismissing claims that he was on the verge of taking over at Celtic .
28 Erm , once she walked into W H Smith 's and saw her father , the only difference was that he was on the front page of a magazine so she got quite a shock because she did n't expect to see him .
29 ‘ I hope I have n't held you up for too long , ’ she apologised quickly , realising that he could well have an appointment , and that he was on the point of leaving .
30 The Cardiff centre was so disillusioned after the 63-6 thrashing by Australia in Brisbane 17 months ago that he was on the verge of walking out on his country .
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