Example sentences of "[conj] he [vb -s] to the " in BNC.

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1 Just a brief response to a small part of Iain MacLaren 's letter , where he refers to the Royal Navy abandoning hammocks not long after the Second World War .
2 He has set up a pirate radio station in his bedroom , where he talks to the disaffected youth of his neighbourhood under the guise of Happy Harry Hard-On .
3 Sherlock Holmes leaves England for New York City where he comes to the aid of his long-time love , the famous stage actress Irene Adler .
4 Timothy O'Riordan , of the University of East Anglia , thinks sustainability might be accepted as the ‘ mediating term ’ between developers and environmentalists , although he leans to the view that it will eventually languish as a ‘ good idea ’ which can not sensibly be put into practice .
5 Unless that party , not less than seven days before the hearing , gives notice to the other party that he objects to the use of the affidavit , he is to be taken to have consented to the use of it and the affidavit may be used at the hearing unless the court otherwise orders ( Ord 20 , r 7(1) ) .
6 Second , that he objects to the topicality of the subject that he 's chosen , and finally that he 's not , of course , at home writing prose .
7 This would be a feat of public agitation that he likens to the Anti-Corn Law League of the 1830s and 1840s , which successfully pressed home the case for free trade ( and caused a split in the Tory Party in the process ) .
8 The academic who describes himself at cocktail parties with the words ‘ I am a physicist ’ or ‘ I am a historian ’ is saying something about his self-perception ( essentially a researcher , not a teacher ) ; but is also saying that he subscribes to the disciplinary code imposed on its practitioners .
9 As a frequent visitor to Scotland I have formed a great admiration for the Scottish farmer 's skills , particularly in animal husbandry and the attention that he pays to the production of a crop of whose product I am a not infrequent consumer .
10 I am afraid that I could not catch the last part of my hon. Friend 's question , but I agree with him about the importance that he attaches to the single market .
11 So he goes to the top of the tower to study them . ’
12 Convena did all his work and they asked him to go to London you know , there 's some was on years ago so he goes to the headquarters and he said he just could n't believe it , he turned on him and said you 're a shallow bloody hypocrite he said !
13 Alright , so he looks to the past for his moral inspirations and he imagines that Nick is looking to the future .
14 If you roll a double on the 2D6 roll then the Fanatic has met with an accident , wrapping the chain around his neck , or perhaps his heart just gives out and he collapses to the ground .
15 The business community regognises him as ‘ one of us ’ , and he belongs to the generation which will be in its prime in 1997 .
16 Erm , Jack does gamble , erm , with his , with the dogs but he , but he also breeds them as well , and he goes to the dogs two or three times a week .
17 the bell to get the bus to stop and he goes to the next flaming stop !
18 His debut album ‘ Brand New Star ’ was released recently on CD in Japan , he tours extensively here , across the water and into Europe and he travels to the Far East for the first time in December .
19 The scenario was that there was this normal , everyday family being filmed in their home at their most private moments and , in one scene , where a young boy is being pressurised into getting married , they all leave the room and he turns to the camera and says something like ‘ I 've got to be careful here .
20 When you 're changing the flow of oxygen from one of your team-mate 's tanks , pull the wrong switch and you inflate his suit and he shoots to the surface .
21 The phone rings and he retires to the office to attend to it .
22 If you knock at the door of the gamekeeper 's house and he comes to the door wearing an antler head-dress , a black satin robe with a pentangle on it , and is holding a headless bleeding chicken in one hand , then even if he gives you permission to camp , think about going to a B & B. Some country folk are best left to their own devices .
23 5 The attacker 's legs give way under the pressure and he sinks to the floor .
24 If he points to the empty box then it is probably fair to regard this as deliberate misinforming , as the ‘ implanting ’ of a false belief in another 's mind .
25 ‘ But Tom , if he goes to the clinic — wo n't they ask whom he was with ? ’
26 ‘ Maybe we 'll find out what it is if he goes to the hospital with us , ’ said David thoughtfully .
27 If he goes to the pub Stuart would probably know him anyway .
28 Wind is in such a big way and if he goes to the planning appeal and one thing or something , it 'll skin this bloody , it 'll , it 'll skin this bloody town
29 If he explains to the court why the debt has n't been paid , you and he will be given a date for the case to be heard .
30 But if he comes to the top of the ridge , he is sure to come down here , because he w ill see the green leaves .
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