Example sentences of "[conj] he [modal v] as well " in BNC.

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1 My argument was that he might as well use pit-props for his fishing , for he could n't possibly gain any enjoyment from playing fish , or handling such a rod with no more than a 4lb line .
2 His tone of voice was so bland that he might as well have been asking my opinion of Wavebreaker 's sea-keeping qualities .
3 But The Washington Post reported on 22 February that Mr Frohnmayer had been warned last October that he might as well start looking for a new job .
4 ‘ I suppose you told him , just as your mother did , that he might as well take me ? ’
5 Then , perhaps a little frightened by his own rhetoric but thinking that he might as well be hanged for a sheep as for a lamb , he increased the figure to 1 million .
6 ‘ Tell that brother of yours that we 'll catch him in the end so he might as well give himself up . ’
7 But the tape 's no use to me now , so he might as well benefit from it . ’
8 There were witnesses to that , so he might as well earn a bonus point by mentioning it first .
9 Chairman , I 've listened with erm interest to Professor erm weasel words explaining that he did n't mean what he 's been saying for the past three years and trying to explain away what he 's effectively and he might as well admit it a complete volte face worse than that his agreement to an arrangement which he knows is second best .
10 A knowledge of the working of a solicitor 's office , particularly er o of those departments handling non-contentious business , can not be automatically imputed to the judge or to council and he may as well make it is not uncommon for an expert witness to give evidence of what he would have done in a particular situation after consideration and er I resign on that because in my submission er the issues in this case are clearly issues of mixed fact and law and my Lord it is seen from the report handed up that there is particularly in relation to the erm financial aspect of the case , reference to a provision within a professional conduct of solicitors guide as to what the nature of the er duties of the solicitor in the situation is .
11 But he might as well have this before getting up . ’
12 Ferdinando spent the night before departure with her but he might as well not have done .
13 Rhodri was still muttering , unwilling to give up his customary pessimism , but he might as well not have been in the room with them , he counted for so little at this moment .
14 but he might as well dally for windfalls
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