Example sentences of "[conj] he [modal v] [vb infin] i " in BNC.

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1 I be lucky I get any bloke fer more'n two monfs togewer like my ol' lady I suppose an' if I get a bloke 'e 'll be aht a' work or 'e 'll set me ter the bleed'n game like 'er I would n't be surprised but if you reely want ter now jus ' fer now for this minute I wanner enjoy it .
2 He fell sideways , but I knew he was n't knocked out , he still kept hold of me , I suddenly felt I had to kill him or he would kill me .
3 Well this is , this is why I thought perhaps erm I did n't want to ask Jim too much or he would know I was buying them for him you see .
4 If I take a bus into town during my lunch break to do some shopping I have to remember to throw away the bus ticket or he 'll ask me where I 've been , and when I say I 've been shopping , he 'll say he does n't believe me .
5 Or he could say I was one
6 I could either meet him near there or he 'd have me picked up as a material witness and see how I enjoyed sharing a cell with Jack Scamp .
7 or he 'd reacquaint me with this morning 's breakfast .
8 I ask you to break that pledge you made with him so that he may marry me , the mother of his children . ’
9 ‘ … entreat for me Ephron the son of Zohar , that he may give me the cave of Machpelah , which he owns ; it is at the end of his field .
10 And he turned toward the East and knelt and said , Holy Mary Mother , and all Saints , pray to God for me , that he may give me strength to destroy all the Pagans , and to win enough from them to requite my friends therewith , and all those who follow and help me .
11 I 'm a fool if I believe for one minute that he 'll give me a fair chance …
12 Mr and that he 'll see me .
13 I had the somewhat faint hope that he might lead me to the place and permit me to stand where Balboa had stood — on the very peak which John Keats , with the kind of monumental mistakenness permitted under the principle of poetic licence — declared was occupied by :
14 He feared that he might love me completely .
15 He was cruel because he wanted to drive me away ; but he wanted to drive me away because he feared that he might love me completely .
16 He started off by taking Jack Hylton — an old friend of mine and a leading member of the board of TWW — to meet some of the independent television proprietors , and at that stage he suggested to Hylton that he might use me as an intermediary .
17 He had pictures in his office that he would show me of well-equipped armed bands that he said were taken down in the middle of Nicaragua .
18 I suppose I half-hoped that he would zap me with extinction the way he had zapped June with orgasm the night before but his horrible middle finger was folded around a reeking cheroot and showed no sign of flexing .
19 He told me that he liked my playing and that he would give me a ring when I got back to Milwaukee , and about three to four months later we actually formed a band and went on tour .
20 He told me to be a good girl for Mum , and that he would give me some money to go to the pictures .
21 I listened carefully to my right hon. Friend the Minister , hoping that he would give me a chance .
22 Then he became angry , and threatened that he would silence me forever , if I would not agree .
23 I was slightly worried , I must admit , that he would knife me .
24 However , I was immediately transferred to Glynn , a technical guy who took my fax number with the promise that he would send me a drawing that morning of the necessary mods .
25 On our way home I explained to her that if her father discovered she had visited Wuthering Heights , he would perhaps be so angry with me that he would send me away .
26 So he answered that that might not be , that he would have me whether I would or no , and that my brother was of his opinion in this matter .
27 But it will happen … not quite yet but at the point where he will no longer hinder me with the pretence that he would have me stay .
28 When I helped him into bed he said , with some echo of his old authority , that nothing was to change while he was here ; that I was to go on with my work ; that he would teach me to play chess at last ; that he was absolutely thrilled to be out of hospital , and it would be a positive delight to look after himself .
29 It just started from there and Michael said he liked the way I played and that he would help me along in the industry , and this was just before his career hit .
30 He rang me the next day , was very enthusiastic , but apologised that for the following two years he was only doing German opera — but that he would remember me !
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