Example sentences of "[conj] he [be] in [det] " in BNC.

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1 He became Minister for the Arts in July 1990 and although he was in this post only a few months , he made a distinct mark .
2 It 's thanks to you that he 's in this mess right now .
3 Not that he was in much danger of noticing .
4 JH : Moving on to another great love of yours , Franz Schubert ; I have always felt that he was in many ways cut short in his prime , almost as thought he was on the verge of finding himself creatively .
5 Again , the visitor to Thorikos , if taken there blindfold from the real city-state of Euboian Eretria , might well find it hard to tell the two apart , and might think that he was in another place with the same independent status : there is a fortified acropolis , a theatre and a temple — just as at Eretria .
6 But it must not be thought that he was in this alone in his society : there were others also who were not .
7 Of this person she could form no idea other than that Hugh believed him to be the owner of whatever was in the sack and that he was in some way connected with the outlaws ' Camp .
8 Nor is there much to be gained from explanations of Wordsworth 's ideas which imply that he was in some way different from ourselves .
9 Monks were supposed to enjoy Lectio : in the scriptures and in the writings of the fathers of the Church , the monk had an encounter with the divine and felt that he was in some mysterious sense studying God himself .
10 He flattered himself that he was in some small part responsible for such blissful bizarrities , given that over the years he 'd brought all manner of influences through from the Succulent Rock .
11 Alternatively , is the right hon. Gentleman implying — as I thought that he was in some of his remarks — that legal aid would be generally available to those appearing before adjudicators or tribunals , and that they could secure representation from any part of the legal profession ?
12 One month later Glassford was reported to be completing the work of preparing nominal votes , and in this his lawyer , who lacked experience in such matters , was being helped by the agent of Lord Dundas , who clearly considered him still an ally , but on August 6th , Glassford removed such illusions by making it quite plain that he meant what he had said about his price for support , and denied that he was in any way pledged to Lord Dundas :
13 Not that he was in any way merry — I 'd merely triggered off his own insomniac hysteria and his laughter quickly subsided into a sort of drained whimpering .
14 It does n't seem to me from what I read of page thirty one of that inspector 's report that he was in any different position by the absence of the Policy E two than he would be if he 'd got it .
15 A character called Barny , an English hotelier , runs the Easo and he is in many ways our father figure in Benidorm .
16 Well it , it shows come on I 'm gon na hit the brake , he 's got a chuffing accelerator pedal , a clutch and a bloody brake pedal there and he 's banging like this and it 's brake 's not working prop it 's , it 's funny , but there was a bloody tent there as well er where the Charlie Sheen is like an indian , and he 's in this tent and this bloke calls to thingybob and he presses this bloody doorbell on it on this tent , it 's funny , I tell you it is funny when you wa er when you actually watch it .
17 And he was in this mood when disaster struck .
18 I wonder if he is in any way related to the Paul Hamlyn ?
19 Even if he is in less haste he will not delay , I think .
20 If there is indeed any foundation for these fears — which I do not at all suppose , for why should he not have contacted me if he was in such trouble ? — I shall settle the matter at once .
21 If he was in such a desperate hurry , he could have gone round and gone the other way
22 ‘ I continue to do so , Master , ’ said the Robemaker and , although there was not the smallest trace of subservience in his voice , Nuadu , listening intently , received the impression that the Robemaker was choosing his words with care , as if he was in some and of thrall to this being .
23 Well if he came out on strike with us erm and we won if we won everything we g he 'd gain nothing in the end cos he 's in another section .
24 But he 's in such a bad mood at the moment .
25 Swift is normally the most phlegmatic of characters but he was in such a state of fluster on that occasion that he missed touch and found Smith instead .
26 But he was in this one ? ’
27 But he was in any event fascinated by his childhood and adolescence , and by the time he died this juvenile field had been fruitfully tilled and probably exhausted .
28 Perhaps because he is in many ways an absolutely objective choreographer , he successfully exposes his deeply held views on society and its problems , in particular man 's inhumanity to man , through dance .
29 But it is to be noticed that in our problem the telegraphing business was started not by B but by A. B may have sent his counter-offer by telegram simply out of politeness , and not because he was in any hurry .
30 It was useless to argue with him while he was in that mood , she told herself .
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